Clean network marketing is really hope for the hopeless. I'm not referring to unscrupulous network marketing companies or networkers who devise scams and stash away people's money. Clean network marketing is a good earning alternative for people who are rejected by this world's standards.
I see lots of people, especially in the Philippines, scorn network marketing and networkers. They belittle it and look down on networkers. In a sense, I don't blame them. A lot of scammers have marred the image of network marketing here. Yet, this unique business can make the hopeless hopeful again.
Hope for the Marginalized
Some people are gifted with talents, intellect, and good looks. They capitalize on these to make it good in life. They become successful business people, corporate leaders, government officials, or showbiz personalities making lots of money in "decent" ways. Decent because anything traditional is decent and acceptable to most people. And they scorn anything new and strange to their ears, like network marketing--labeling them "evil" even without knowing what it really is. They just base their judgment on what they hear people say or what some book or newspaper writer or TV reporter say about it.
To be sure, when some popular people say things against something, it's because they're serving the interest of another who is hurt by the thing they're adversely commenting about. Particularly, most people hate the idea of the hopeless or poor suddenly getting well-to-do or rich and no longer under their control. For instance, a lot of businesses capitalize on people's inferiority complex. They sell products that supposedly boost confidence.
Imagine if more people are helped by network marketing and boost their confidence and no longer need confidence boosters. That would be bad news for these businesses. Or, imagine if poor people are suddenly catapulted to greatness and riches. That would be added competition for already popular people whose entire life is their popularity. And that could also spell loss of fans for them. Why would poor-people-turned-rich admire them any longer?
Network marketing provides a very affordable and feasible way for marginalized people to be empowered to realize their dreams together. It's people power for business that can really earn millions for them if done correctly and righteously. Network marketing is hope for the hopeless. Unfortunately, a lot of networkers are not educated well on how to manage their new-found fortune. They use it for vanity to emulate the rich and famous and end up bankrupt again.
If the masses are given power to pursue better education because they have more money through network marketing, who would want to remain fanatics of showbiz people or maids for the rich? Less people would remain idiots serving as fans or servants for these people.
Get-Rich-Quick Scheme?
They still believe network marketing is a get-rich-quick scheme. They do not realize the hard work involved here because they have never really tried doing it. Try doing it for at least 3 years and you'd see that initially, it's not a quick scheme for riches at all. It's mighty hard work. After 3 years, when you have gained a lot of confidence from customers, the business becomes easier and faster, and it works that way with traditional businesses, too.
It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. It only looks that way because it is more feasible and lucrative than traditional businesses. Traditional businesses only make you earn money from mark-up profits and you shell out lots of money for your overhead cost. Network marketing lets you earn not just from mark-ups but also from continuous and increasing override commissions from your downline-partners--or what they call residual income, plus bonuses and incentives. And you don't have any overhead cost (rent, electric and water bill, salaries of employees, etc.).
People who are not that gifted, intelligent, and good looking (and whom employers and companies are always prejudiced against--they reject them outright in job interviews) can come together as one team or one force to do an affordable, people-based business that can help them realize their dreams.
You should try network marketing.