The first thing you
must have in network marketing is the right company, and the right company is a
righteous networking company, first and foremost. I don't think you have heard
of this in the BOMs you have attended, have you? And few networkers would look
for a company with this quality. They either look for a company with a
lucrative comp plan or one which is financially stable. Well, do you have a
righteous networking company?
The righteous will never be uprooted,
but the wicked will not remain in the land. [Proverbs 10.30]
but the wicked will not remain in the land. [Proverbs 10.30]
A righteous company will never be uprooted because God supports
it. Before looking for a stable company [which is a legitimate concern], first look for a righteous networking
company whose business partner is God. Without God you can do nothing. You may make lots of money with a godless company but the end result of it really is death. Seriously speaking. It will destroy your soul and your family.
Part of a righteous networking company is its legalities. It should have the proper government licenses and permits and the product should be FDA approved if it's a health or food supplement. A company should also have stability and an intelligent culture. We all know this and I need not elaborate.
Righteousness is Hinged on the Owner
Company righteousness is hinged on the owner. His standing with God determines the spiritual character of the company. Thus, it's best if he is a committed believer of God and believes His Word. A righteous company, then, should have a
righteous and Godly owner-networker who, at least, has a good fear of God reigning in his heart and mind, and has the following traits:
1. He should have integrity with his networking policies and never
2. He should have a firm word of honor and never be double-minded.
3. He should never change marketing systems that would nullify the
present one.
4. He should not adulterate the product content in any way.
5. He should not tamper with the product expiration date.
6. He should be true to his employees and networkers.
7. He should never deal with networkers who have doubtful characters.
These are just some of the things we should take careful note of
today. Lots of networking companies fail miserably on these points and you
would do well to avoid them at all cost. Woe to you if you have a company founded on lies, deception, and rottenness! Remember the second part of God's Word
above? Wicked people, among them unscrupulous networkers, will not remain in
the land. They won't last long. If they do last long, their souls are already burning in hell.
Beware of Company Owners with Vices
Keep away from company owners who are drowning in vices like
smoking and drinking, especially if his company is into health supplements. If
he is not a health enthusiast, how can you trust him with
his products? Shun all owners and networkers who are womanizers and gamblers.
Folks like them are sure big liars and are inclined to cheat and deceive. If
you know people who are like that and still join them, you'd come out a bigger
fool in the end.
Avoid Hyping Companies
Hyping is often times a way of hiding something and lure people into doing something they shouldn't do. Inspiring people is worlds apart from hyping them. Hyping is tricky and deceptive. Inspiring is intellectual persuasion with a healthy element of electrified emotion. Hence, I believe a righteous networking company is product based and focuses on training people specifically in how to present the product intellectually with a strong element of PR.
Companies with unrighteous owners cannot end up being righteous
networking companies in the end--unless their owners repent, have a change of
heart, and practice clean network marketing. You are sure to fall together with
unrighteous companies because God is going to uproot them. You will get what
the wicked deserve if you side with them and help them in their endeavors.
Company is not that Righteous but the Product is Good
I know. There will be times when you find a good product because of it's benefits but the company selling it is not that righteous. Pray about it, and if you get a go, just make sure you remain righteous with it. The prophet Daniel and his friends were officials of Babylon but they made it good there, because of God's favor on them. And that favor on them made that empire prosper as well.
However, there are companies that are full of wickedness so that joining them contaminates you somewhat and gets you affected by God's ire in the end. In the bible, Lot joined the city of Sodom and later lost his wife [who turned into a pillar of salt] because of her contamination with wickedness. Oh, and by the way, wicked companies often have the penchant for looking innocent and good initially--like wolves in sheep's clothing. In the end, they reveal their true colors.
Company is not that Righteous but the Product is Good
I know. There will be times when you find a good product because of it's benefits but the company selling it is not that righteous. Pray about it, and if you get a go, just make sure you remain righteous with it. The prophet Daniel and his friends were officials of Babylon but they made it good there, because of God's favor on them. And that favor on them made that empire prosper as well.
However, there are companies that are full of wickedness so that joining them contaminates you somewhat and gets you affected by God's ire in the end. In the bible, Lot joined the city of Sodom and later lost his wife [who turned into a pillar of salt] because of her contamination with wickedness. Oh, and by the way, wicked companies often have the penchant for looking innocent and good initially--like wolves in sheep's clothing. In the end, they reveal their true colors.
Yes, some wicked companies may look successful for a time [Sodom and Gomorrah did], but
they will suddenly be eliminated, nowhere to be seen again.
The senseless man does not know, fools do not understand,
that though the wicked spring up like grass and all evil doers flourish,
they will be forever destroyed. [Psalm 92.6-7].
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