I will be featuring more on what the big difference is between a network and an empire. You see, once your network marketing degrades into an empire, all sorts of greed happen. A network builds up people, an empire builds up one ambition--the emperor's. Stop empire building.
Always look for a networking business where 01s and uplines work manually on the grassroots level with their remotest of downlines. Get out of those with emperors staying up there on their pedestals and doing nothing but showing off their splendor to their downlines, boasting of their "blessings" and excursions abroad, all in the name of "financial freedom." That's freedom at others' expense. Boasting like that does nothing for downlines except develop envy and greed in them. Nope, those things never "inspire" people to work more--they tempt you to covet more. Stop empire building by getting out of them.
I've been in the networking business long enough [since 1996] to have seen enough. We thought that emperors were the natural result of a "growing" network. But after examining everything carefully, and studying the true nature of a network, I saw how networkers mistake empires for networks. We fail to see what a true network really is.
A network is a system where groups of people [uplines and downlines] benefit from each other because they both have to offer something beneficial. They don't use each other--on the contrary, they gain from each other, spurring both sides to gainful ends. Yes, it is people oriented, but if I say that, crooks would start thinking it's about recruiting people to be under them. And to them, that means people "working for" them. In a real network, no one is "under" anyone, except in structure. And no one should work for anybody but himself.
Networks are "people-oriented" only because it's about people helping people. For instance, if government should need a rescue and relief effort to save flood victims, it "networks" with NGOs, not to have them work under them but to work with them to achieve an end. And the end is to help other people. Of course, in structure or organization, the government stands to be at the top coordinating with and overseeing the private agencies. But that does not mean it becomes an emperor using agencies under it to achieve its selfish ambition, enriching itself--though in a corrupt sense, that happens in the real world.
An empire is entirely different--and obnoxious. Everyone down below works to enrich the "emperor" or folks on top. The top guys or emperors or lords do nothing except wallow in their riches and brag about that to their downlines to keep them desiring what they have--like carrot dangling on a stick. They show off their bank accounts, posh cars, mansions, and extravagant trips in the guise of "encouraging" their downlines to work more to have the same. But that's far from "inspiring" them to reach top leadership. Actually, it's making them work more for the uplines' selfish enrichment. Pretty much like how the pyramids of Egypt were constructed, sacrificing the masses to do all the work. And then Pharaoh gets all the applause, glamor, and wealth.
What Network Uplines Should Be
To make a network a real network, the emperor should be taken out of the system. How do we do this? Of course, there will always be 01s on top as well as uplines who would be benefited the most by our corporate efforts. But the thing is to have them go down again as downlines of their downlines and workout their new slots. All uplines should keep getting new slots now and then down the line and make those slots work. This means they re-enter the system as new members and do the business again, selling products and getting new recruits, aside from helping their downlines.
Once downlines become uplines and earn big, they also get new slots and become downlines of their downlines. This cycle must go on and on. There should be sub-systems like this developed in the system to somehow even up the labor and distribute wealth more equally. Or, it should be the uplines' initiative to do so. After all, a network should be like that--ensuring that all gets fair share of everything all the time.
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