Thursday, December 2, 2021

How to Have Confidence When Sharing Your Networking Business to a Prospect

I've been there before. Sometimes, still am. It's intimidating, or sometimes humiliating, to share your networking business with others. Doing face-to-face presentation had always been a big hassle in networking (I remember those days), especially when the prospect has lots of doubts and suspicions--or if the person obviously doesn't buy the idea of networking but just allowed you to present out of friendship or pity.

Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash.

And you had to treat your guests to snacks or dinner, regardless of whether he joins or not. Oh yes, we did.

But thank God for online network marketing. Now, you won't have to face prospects in person. All you have to do is send short video presentations on Messenger and invite them to a Zoom meeting where a top earner explains everything for you. Smooth and easy. No more hassle or hard work. No more extra expense on treats and snacks. 😄

In the online networking business my wife and I are doing, we just have to share a short video on why on online business is so much easier and profitable to do, with less risks. Then we chat with the prospect after he sees the video and share a second video on how the business works--especially how much he can earn. After that we invited him or her to a Zoom meeting.

As simple as that.

But in-between videos, we still had to "chat" with the prospect. Sometimes, we may even have to call them up on Messenger.  Yup, that's necessary. It's why the business is called "networking." It's about relationship. It's about connecting. We should talk to our clients, and this is where confidence and handling conversations come in. Anyway, it's just for a short while and it's online. 

But because chats also involve talking with the prospect, some networkers still balk at the idea. They feel intimidated or scared, not knowing exactly what to say or what to do--or if it's right to talk to someone about networking. They find it hard even to just invite the prospect to a Zoom meeting. Well, here are mindsets to have to be a confident networker.

  1. Being a networker is a respectable profession, especially if you seriously make it so. So act and behave accordingly. Aim to be an intelligent networker, not a noisily hyping one.
  2. Sharing the business is not a sin. I mean, you're doing nothing wrong.
  3. You're not stealing anything from the prospect. Many timid networkers feel guilty sharing their business as if they'd stolen something.
  4. You're not begging for money or anything. You're there to share an opportunity that may help your prospect.
  5. Give the impression that the prospect will not in any way be forced or coerced to join. Assure him that if he watches the video or joins the Zoom meeting, he will not be obligated to do anything.
  6. Sound confident and sure about your business but do not hard-sell or sound too eager to recruit. Have the wisdom and decency to maintain a safe distance, like a doctor would to his patient, or a lawyer would to his client. A show of eagerness to make a sale or signup is disappointing. Convince intelligently.
  7. Finally, always be kind and patient. Prepare to get rude or insulting comments. It's part of any business. Just think that any improper attitude like rudeness is a result of ignorance. This is why marketing, especially network marketing, is in the business of educating people.
If you're interested to see what business I'm in, I invite you to first know how money works. Watch this video.