The important thing in network marketing is duplication--to be able to duplicate yourself on your downlines. There should be a transfer of mind and heart from you to your immediate downlines (or directs), and then from them to their directs, and so on. This is the unbeatable network marketing formula.
Teach What I Teach You to Those Who are Qualified
St. Paul told his disciple Timothy [2 Tim.2.2], to duplicate himself on his disciples or downlines. And the feeding has got to come from Paul alone. Paul was taught by Jesus Christ, Paul taught Timothy, and Timothy taught qualified men who were able to teach others. Thus, network marketing (or true discipleship) is really teaching. It is founded on educating people. Real, professional, and career networkers ought to be skilled educators.
Now, let's examine in detail the Paulinian duplication formula.
Qualified Men
Paul told Timothy to look for qualified or "trustworthy" men. Qualified men, in this sense, are not necessarily college graduates or titled or degreed people. In the bible, Peter, James, and John were chosen by Jesus but they never became college graduates or professionals. In fact, people saw that they were "unschooled" folks. Jesus himself, says John 7.15, was unschooled.
Qualified men are those who are trustworthy. You can trust them to do the business righteously. Why the need for this? Because they will be using your name, being under your network umbrella. Whatever he or she does will affect you and your image and reputation as a networker (or a follower of Christ, in the ministry sense).
If a person is a scammer, don't put that person in your network team anymore, even if he is a veteran and skilled networker able to bring you lots of sales--unless he has evidently repented. The number one qualification for clean network marketing or righteous network marketing is trustworthiness. Remember, God is the ultimate Rewarder--or Punisher. He is in the center of business--a business gets blessed or otherwise solely on His decisions or permissions. So better surround yourself with only the trustworthy.
Qualified men are also qualified for network marketing duplication (or discipleship). They should be willing to be under your mentorship. They should be willing to do the business with you and in your righteousness standards. Your downlines can strategize on their own, but everything has to be within righteous ways. Nothing should be illegal or unfair practice.
In short, qualified men are of good character like you.
Able to Teach
You should be able to "teach" (present the product and business well, or present the faith, in ministry terms) so that your downlines would follow suit. You are what your downlines are. It is a must--downlines should be able to teach and not just rely on their uplines or the BOM for product and business presentation. If everybody in your team can teach like you, imagine how fast your business would be!
Able to Teach
You should be able to "teach" (present the product and business well, or present the faith, in ministry terms) so that your downlines would follow suit. You are what your downlines are. It is a must--downlines should be able to teach and not just rely on their uplines or the BOM for product and business presentation. If everybody in your team can teach like you, imagine how fast your business would be!
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