Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Make Recruitment Easy for You

To be successful in network marketing you have to know how to make recruitment easy for you. It will be easier if you do this tip: always be honest. In clean network marketing, honesty is the best sales policy. And you have to be honest about what business you have.

Don't Hide Behind Disguises

Many networkers hide behind disguises and don't say outright that what they are offering is a networking business. Say it right in the beginning when asked. Be honest. This is a networking business. If the prospect hates network marketing, make that as your launching pad to your presentation. Ask the prospect, "What made you hate network marketing?"

People will always appreciate your honesty and openness. They may not like network marketing, but they'd like you. And when you declare your business, "I'm a network marketer," be proud of it, and make sure the prospect sees that. It's easy to do this especially when you get fat checks regularly and own a new posh car and a house of your own. But what if you ain't got nothing yet?

Don't pretend you're rich or making big money already out of networking. Don't pretend to be something you are not. Be honest. Clean network marketing will make recruitment easy for you. God will bless you, for sure. If you haven't made a single cent from networking, just appear professional, tidy, smart, and confident to your prospects, making sure he or she sees that you have studied your product very well and that from such diligent study you believe in the product intelligently.

Start with the Product

Although honesty is of the essence, never start with presenting the networking business. Present the product first and highlight its benefits. After all, there won't be any business without the product. Don't just have the product for the sake of having a product. Be a master of the product. Remember that product expertise sets you apart from scammers. Scammers just want the money. Professionals sell product benefits. They are there as consultants to help their prospects and customers.

Then Comes the Business

After the product, proceed with the business. If the prospect has no more queries about the product, say something like, "You see, the company wants customers to earn from the product. And there's big money in this!" Always sound excited enough about the business.

If he or she asks, "So, how much have you made so far?" Be honest. If it's only a few hundreds or thousands, say so. If you haven't made anything yet, say so. Then say, "With diligence, anything can grow into millions." Say how you've seen other guys in the business make millions through initial hard work. And do emphasize that. Say something like...

"You see, with network marketing, you just need to pour diligence into it initially for 6 months to a year--or 2 years--and the effort will be rewarded in big increments and residual income." Residual income is income that grows by itself periodically.

Spread the Word Around

Make it known around your sphere of influence that you are a network marketer. That may send people away or towards you, depending on the situation. But, don't worry. If you're honest, God will soon send people to you begging to be in your team. Moreover, it's important to let people know who and what you are so they can refer sales or recruits to you in the future. 

When so many people know who you are and what you do, that will make recruitment easy for you. And make sure you keep a good reputation as a networker. 

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