Admit it. Many people are allergic to network marketing also because of unscrupulous networkers and companies who made the business look bad. And now we suffer for it. If you're one of them, it's time for you to repent of your wickedness. Fooling people of their money and trust is big-time wickedness in God's eyes. If you don't want to end up in hell, repent and be a righteous networker doing clean network marketing.
Now, one of the tactics they teach you in networking or MLM seminars is to never tell the prospect where you're taking him to--what they call kidnap. Don't reveal what the business is all about, they add. This is dead WRONG! This is not clean network marketing. A clean network marketer is always transparent so that people always see you as worthy of their trust. If you cannot be trusted with small things, you cannot be trusted with big things, especially big money.
So, if you want people to like you, always be honest. Make a name for yourself on honesty.
So, how do you make prospects show up in your appointments without fooling them? Easy--simply visit them in their homes or offices. Do not meet with them somewhere where escape would be easy for them. Do not set meetings at the BOM venue or the company office. They're apt not to come. Meet them right in their hideouts. I and my wife do that and we never miss our appointments. What do you say is your reason for visiting them? Here are some of my suggestions:
- Long time no see! Can I visit you at your place? [For old times' sake]
- I heard you have a new office or living room interior. Can I check it out?
- You have a new dog? Can I go there and see it?
- Can we play a game of basketball?
- I learned a new recipe. Let me cook it for you at your place!
For targeting new prospects you're not acquainted with yet, you can ask the help of the person who referred the prospect to you. Arrange for a casual visit and take your friend along with you. For more on this, get my FREE newsletter by filling up the Contact Form on the sidebar of this blog!
With the visit purposes outlined above, you'll never miss catching your prospects. They may even prepare snacks for you, so it's cost-effective, too--instead of you having to treat your prospects or guests after taking them to a BOM. Then, during the visits and talks, inject the business presentation in a most casual manner. Like, "And speaking of arthritis, have you heard about this new, power liquid juice product that really gets rid of arthritis and many other diseases?"
More on How to Make Prospects Show Up in Your Appointments in another article. In the meantime, these FREE Video and recommendations really helped me a lot in getting really practical tips on how to make people say yes to your networking business!
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