One principle in Economics very applicable to network marketing is the law of diminishing returns. After reaching the peak, you have nowhere else to go but down. Some people will not accept this and claim to be able to cancel the law, but they go through the downhill phase of business nonetheless. It's a universal principle because we all need the downhill experience now and then. It's part of growth and strength and to come out of the ordeal wiser.
Life is not all positives. We need the negatives. And don't believe those hyping [and often lying] motivational speakers when they say business should all be an upward trend, rejecting any idea of negative times in it. Remember, God put in creation good and bad, weak and strong, light and darkness, rain and sunlight, dry and wet, abundance and famine. They balance life so it can continue. Thus, marriage vows include times in sickness and in health.
So, too, there will be times of running out of recruits in network marketing. It's normal; don't panic. When there are no people to recruit, probably it's time to update your knowledge and see what's the latest in your field. It's time for intellectual nourishment. Spend time reading the latest networking literature or searching the Net. Grow yourself!
But then again, you cannot run out of recruits. There are more than 70 million people in the Philippines alone. How can you run out of prospects? In Philippine or world history, there has never yet been a time when everybody has become a networker. Just look around your neighborhood and I'm sure people there are yet uninitiated in networking--and what they think they know about it is pestered with misinformation. Enlighten them.
You should always think of new approaches to recruitment. Everything has a season, and seasons provide opportunity for renewal. Plants and animals renew each season--snakes change scales, birds change feathers, plants shed off old leaves and sprout new ones, etc. Even stale air is changed each time a storm passes. You cannot use the same recruitment method or style forever. It has to change and conform to the times, as you also change to the better.
A tip here is to study your prospects first before you present your business. Nothing beats relational sales or networking. Befriend them sincerely and see how you can help them succeed. This is a timeless networking principle.
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