Some networkers recruit for profit, some sell for profit, and others do both. You do both. I don't buy the idea that in network marketing, there's no selling. In fact, you grow your network more by encouraging everyone [including yourself] to sell the product. And selling can be made easier and more effective through the proven secret strategies of Crackerjack Selling. But later with that. First, get my tip!
Here's how you can earn more money as you sell while network marketing. And remember this tip!
Don't Recruit People Who Will Not Network
Never recruit people into your team who will not do the networking business. If you do, they become members and get the discount, while you lessen your direct selling profits. Here's what I mean. For instance, your product SRP is P2,400 and the members' price is P2000. Once your recruit becomes a member, he gets the product at P2,000 leaving you little to profit, like a Unilever bonus, if any. Unilever bonuses get smaller as the levels get deeper. At most, you get what? P20 per sales? Too small. Yes, it grows big with bulk purchases, but what if the bulk isn't there yet?
Worse is that, the guy you recruited gets the discount but then he does not do the networking business. He does not recruit. What happens to you? You just get P20 per bottle or pack he buys. If you didn't make him a member, he won't get the discount, and each time he buys from you, you get P400 from the P2,400 SRP plus the Unilevel bonus of P20. You get P420 profit in all. See?
Worse Scenario
Worse is, if the guy gets the discount as a member, doesn't do the business, but asks you to buy the product for him. You spend money on bus fare going to the office to buy, buy some snacks because you're bound to get hungry in the process, and all you get from his purchase is P20. That sucks. But if you didn't make him a member, you get P420 from his purchase, and with that you won't mind spending bus fare and some snacks when you do him the favor of going to the office to buy the product for him. See again?
Be able to weigh people you join in your business. If they're just users, don't make them members so they won't get the discount you should be getting. But if they're networkers, count them in because their efforts will produce the bulk purchases you need for big Unilevel bonuses and the binary bonuses from their recruitment efforts.
Now, if you want all your team players [and yourself] selling more and more products and getting bulk sales, I recommend you and your team to check out this new material, all 101 tips! To check it out,
Click Here!
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