Saturday, December 14, 2013

How to Market Yourself 2: Speak Smartly

"The tongue has the 
power of life or death."

You really have to learn how to speak smartly. This is a super plus factor in network marketing. You have to communicate yourself and your product well in your native tongue and in English to target both classy and mass markets. Without this skill, you lose everything. That's why as early as my third year in college, I started training myself how to speak to a big audience. I was then only 23 years old in 1983 [I started networking in 1996] and I decided that I wanted to be the best public speaker for church ministry and in my college class.

By the way, How to Market Yourself 1 is about how  marketable is your face.

Today, I can hold an audience of 6,000 and get their interest all the time [it's memorable how I did that in a crusade in Antipolo one Lent], all by God's grace and power. I learned the secrets on how to keep big audiences glued to you, how to control your audience and direct them to a particular action, how to face huge crowds fearlessly, and how to make it look like you're assessing your audience and make them conscious of it [and neutralize their defenses] instead of your audience assessing you and you being conscious about it and being defensive about it all.

I also learned how to speak naturally, like you're just talking casually to a friend, instead of giving a speech to an audience. A formal speech to an audience takes out all the excitement in your talk. But talking to them like talking to a friend casually loads up your talk with all the necessary excitement, anticipation, and move to action. It's not easy developing these skills, but I can tell you anyone can reach a high level of it, with the right knowledge and training.

And I'm willing to give you some secrets gradually in my newsletters. So fill up the Contact Form on the sidebar of this blog and get the information in the newsletter all for FREE! You can improve the way you talk, and improving it is a must in sales--if you want to market yourself effectively. I have discussed to you how success in sales and network marketing is really hinged on how to market yourself. I've been in sales since 1993, and network marketing since 1996. So from that, you can easily tell I can teach you a lot. For more, check this out: It's the Way You Say It: Becoming Articulate, Well-spoken, and Clear

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