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Your face should be easy to market in network marketing. And this does not mean having a handsome or pretty face. It means having a marketable face. With products, something is said to be marketable if it has the potential of making repeat sales easily. A face is marketable if it makes repeat acceptability among your contacts or prospects. No matter what you offer, people just keep buying. Do you have that face?
The key to this is a face of confidence. Confidence in what you are doing makes you relax, open, and transparent so that talking to people--any people--makes you relax and actually enjoy it. People who put up a hard or false front lack confidence. Why? Probably because they do not know what they're talking about or doing. So, their faces are not marketable.
It's Not Just about Always Smiling or Being Nice
It's good to have a smiling face or being Mr Nice Guy. But that's not what we mean here. We want a look of confidence because we've mastered our trade. Ever seen a martial arts master and an amateur? Masters are calm and confident. They don't need to prove themselves to anyone. Amateurs always need to hype and please people.
A marketable face is an inspiration. You face a guy, talk to him, and transfer your confidence, idealism, and daring to him. In short, you easily inspire people to take up challenges. You do not hard-sell people or appear too eager to make a sale. People see sincerity, expertise, and determination on your face. And this face cannot just happen. It takes serious study and experience in the field to gain clean network marketing wisdom. One look and people know you can be trusted and you know what you are talking about. More on this in our Newsletter.
"Wisdom brightens a man's face and changes its hard appearance."
[Ecclesiastes 8.1]
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