The Children Always Get the Results
With God, the result of anything you do on earth always fall on your kids. You suffer for it if you do wickedly, but your kids get the brunt of the shame. And that shame lasts a long time while they're here on earth. They carry that even when they grow up. It's like a curse. They won't realize it but it will be embedded in their personality--their dad or mom was a networking scammer. They're kids of scammers. God makes sure every evil deed gets repaid in this life.
The righteous person lives a blameless life;
his children will be blessed after him. [Proverbs 20.7]
Now, applying that to clean network marketing, we can render it this way:
The righteous network marketer lives a blameless life;
his children will be blessed after him.
The Chain of Curses
I see a lot of scammers in the network marketing world. A lot of them even claim to be born again Christians. Some are even pastors. They get a lot of money, but they also get notoriety for being scammers. However, they seem unperturbed about it all. They even act arrogantly and superior because of the title. They consider themselves experts of some kind. But they don't realize that God's curse is on their lives and mounting as they go on victimizing people with their scams.
Something like this happens to them without their noticing it:
When wickedness comes, contempt is not far behind [so they become arrogant].
And with shame comes bad reputation [that their kids suffer].
[Proverbs 18.3]
And do you know what that bad reputation or disgrace would do to your children? Someday, it will transform them into what you were when you were a scammer, only about 10 times worse. And you know what their spouses would do to them? They would keep nagging them for their disgrace. Watch this:
A foolish son is the very ruin of his father,
and a nagging wife is similar to a roof
leak that goes on dripping. [Proverbs 19.13]
That will pursue the lives of those who choose wickedness in network marketing, or in any field of endeavor. Your folly will be your children's ruin, and the effect on them will be your ruin, as well. So why scam? Why go on being a wicked network marketer?
But your kids will be saved from the curse if they come to know the righteous Networker, Jesus Christ. Better, if you yourself come to genuinely know Jesus Christ personally and be a righteous networker like him, doing everything fairly and Godly [and not just claim to be one and pretend]. You may not become rich with Clean Network Marketing, but your soul and your wife's and children's souls will be blessed. That's a higher reward than worldly possessions and riches. What would it profit you to be a millionaire in network marketing, if lose your soul?
For more on ethical and fair network marketing:
Relationship Marketing: How To Build A Profitable And Ethical Network Marketing Or Affiliate Business
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