Closing the sale during the opening of the same. Sounds too good but it's quite possible (in fact, easily possible). You simply give your prospect certain assurances. Like an incredible discount, or money-back guarantee or freebie or trade-in, like bartering products. It must look like a win-win thing for the customer, 100 percent--like the advantages are all his. But it's really beneficial both ways.
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash.
Ever been to a crazy "sale" in a mall? Like a 3-day "50% discount on all items" kind of thing? In all transactions, the sale is closed right at the beginning, right there at the opening. In fact, no sales pitch is required. People just madly scramble for it. You don't need to do any convincing talk. People practically buy as soon as they enter your store. The same with what happens in Divisoria during Christmas.
You know why?
Your Product Should be Like a Vaccine
Because customers are beguiled by the idea of a win-win situation all in their favor. It's all about them. You have to create an atmosphere like that, one that makes buying a heaven for buyers. Then you won't need to sell, although you're selling. They'd even beg you to sell to them by hook or by crook.
It's something like the Covid vaccines. People wake up early in the morning to get in line first and wait almost the whole day--even beg--just to get jabbed. Why? They see a win-win situation for them.
If you want a closing sale during the opening, you've got to make your product look like an anti-Covid vaccine for your customers--and have it easily accessed. Here are some tips how:
- Make it easy for them to buy. In blogging language, make sure your site is very user-friendly. Some online networking companies put a lot of hassles for customers with their ATM or debit or credit card procedures. That's insane. The last thing you want customers to be is be pissed off with your buying system.
- Tolerate whatever buying method your customers have easily in hand. Let them conveniently pay in cash, credit or debit cards, Gcash, or COD. The seller cannot dictate the paying option for the customer, especially if the option feels like getting crucified.
- As much as possible, make sure you have all sizes and colors and brands available. The thing most customers hate hearing is, "Sorry, we don't have that."
- I don't care what your product is. But make sure it's packaged nicely and can be conveniently carried by the customer. I've seen stores that do not provide free bags for the products sold. Duh? And most customers want shopping bags with firm handles. Your business should invest on this, and you'd see a lot of repeat sales, just because of your good packaging and shopping bags. Oh yes.
I've seen a lot of good products just rotting in the shelves because no one buys them due to poor packaging, and a lot of excellent sales pitches or presentations fall in deaf ears because they do not offer a win-win situation 100 percent in favor of the customer. Meaning, the buyer wins with the product he buys and the deals he gets out of it.
But You're Still in Sales Even If You Hardly Do Any Selling
By the way, before continuing, many networkers are not aware that they are in the sales business. They think networking is about recruitment or referrals and no one needs to sell anything. On the contrary, networking is really selling, no matter how they claim that it involves no selling. And even if your products are selling themselves like hotcakes with the least effort from you, you're still in the selling business. You still need to sell.
Networking needs a product to market to be legit. And it should be government licensed. Without any product, any networking is illegal. What do you do with the product? You use some, you sell some. Selling is inevitable in any network marketing, no matter how some networkers deny it. You have to share the product, and the practical way is to sell it. You propagate the product and benefit from it, too.
You can also give some away for free. This is done for promotion. Free samples. You give them away massive product awareness and recall and also test the waters of a certain market. All these are sales and marketing activities even if you're just doling out products for free. In a sense, it's still part of your selling strategy.
So you see now how network marketing is basically sales work.
Closing is in the Opening
Finally, to close a sale, you need to do a good sales opening. Success in closing is hinged on your opening. The end depends on the start. This is why they say first impression lasts. How you start the presentation determines how your client buys. And this is not just about systematic presentation and skillful delivery. It's about YOU, first and foremost. I mean your person. Network marketing and sales is really how you sell yourself to the customer. That's how you open a sale.
You see, YOU are the product! The physical, legal product you're selling is just a tool to make your business legitimate. But the product you hold in your hands is not the real product. YOU are the product. The moment you step into the room of your client or meet with them, you are selling yourself. The customer sets his or her eyes first of all on you, not the product.
Moreover, the moment you start the presentation, you're also "closing the sale," as it were. If the client is impressed by your person and your manners and character, not just your opening remarks, the client is ready to buy. You are closing the sale during the opening and even before you have said anything.
Always remember the significance of first impressions. They're proven to last. And not only that, they determine the closing or loss of a sale.
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