You need to invest in network marketing--time, money, effort, and personality. Networking is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a thing for the lazy or idle. This involves great tasks, hard work, and professionalism. But really, it's the simplest business there is, and yet the most rewarding and challenging. You can always be proud to be a professional network marketer. And your most powerful investment is--being nice.
Do you believe that?
Some networkers are nice only when facing potential prospects and clients. That's garbage. Instead, make it a lifestyle to be nice. And by nice, I mean friendly, polite, and honest or trustworthy. Are you worthy of trust, or do you easily wane in character at the prospect of huge profits? I've seen many networkers like that. And they earn a lot. But they never last. And they build a bad image in the industry sooner or later.
Being nice is a big edge in anything, especially when going for the Kingdom of God. God wants godly and nice people. And this is what most clients also want in sales. People want to deal long term with honest and trustworthy people who are also polite and friendly. So your biggest asset and investment is being nice.
Why is Being Nice an Investment?
Why an investment? Being nice is an investment. You shell out something valuable to you and you take risks. It may or may not return profitably. It takes practice and sacrifice to be nice to people. It may not work out the first time, but you have to keep investing. You have to keep drawing out from your personal savings of patience, broad mindedness, openness, and tact. And that's costly, more so than money.
Worse is that, in sales you often cannot choose the people who you deal with. Most wealth owners are moody and bossy, often throwing their weights around. You have to learn how to be nice to them. And there are tactics on how to do this, which will be discussed in another article. Suffice it to say now that you have to learn how to influence people, even difficult people. Learn to see where their weakness is.Then focus your being nice to that weakness.
Now, being nice is not being stupid or timid (fearful). You also have to be wise and smart, confidently facing every challenge--and especially anyone. More importantly, it also doesn't mean compromising righteous network marketing in favor of pleasing your customers. Right is right, wrong is wrong--but you still have to be nice. Clean network marketing or network marketing done righteously, and yet appealingly.
You see now why it's your most powerful investment?
Other Facets of 'Nice'
It's also important to appear presentable and talk clearly. Be accurate in appearance and speech. Remember, you are the product, really. The customer will buy if he or she sees you are worth buying. And accurate in appearance doesn't mean wearing expensive apparels. It means carrying yourself well--you look neat, you smell good, you smile well, you wear decent clothes, and politeness and professionalism stand out in your aura.
Accurate in speech means you talk clearly and you make your selling points easily understandable. Don't eat your words when talking. Open your mouth enough to enunciate words properly. And always get to the point. Don't waste your client's time. Answer his questions directly; do not beat around the bush or digress. Stay on the topic.
Listen Well
Another part of being nice is being a good listener. Good sales presentation is you talking 20 percent of the time and your prospects talking 80 percent of the time. People love good listeners. People always have stories to tell about themselves. Listen. Enjoy. Make time. But also remember to always bring back the topic to your product. You may be partly counselor to your client, but you are not in the counseling business. You are in sales. Sell!
Remember that in network marketing, you don't want to just sell--you want to build a strong team. That's the main idea. Selling is just a bridge to help your prospect cross over and be your team mate. Thus, show him what it means to be in your team. In a sense, you serve as a mirror for your prospects--they see what they will become if they join your team.
So be nice. And that includes your honesty, politeness, professionalism and person. Show them you are a conscientious career person. And that's what they will want to be.
Don't lure them into your team using your money and profits alone. Doing so is a sure way of building a team of greedy, corrupt network marketers. Give them an idea of how much you make, proving that network marketing is lucrative, but focus on character building. That makes for a strong and lasting networking team. And it all starts with being nice--your most powerful investment in this field.
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