Next to selling, network marketing is all about referrals or recruitment. Some networkers refuse calling it recruitment, but that's what it is. To recruit is to enlist an individual to participate in a group effort aiming for a common goal. That's exactly what we need downlines for. Well, referrals is also a good term. But let's not hide anything. Referrals or recruits, doesn't matter. What we want is effective downline recruitment.
Be the Right Person
How do we find the right downline or the right person for this purpose? First step is, be the right guy yourself. You reproduce what you are in network marketing. It's called duplication. In a sense, good cells reproduce better cells. Bad cells reproduce worse cells. Law of nature. It's follow the leader. There will be exceptions, of course. If you find a bad downline under you, or if the good direct downline you trained turns out to be bad, it's not always your fault. Even Jesus found a Judas among his "downlines" though he never was at fault. See?
But at times, it's your fault. You didn't strive to be the right person, so that reproduced a bad egg. Most downlines become what you are. They imitate what they see in you. Again, law of nature. Very seldom do you see downlines turning out good despite their bad mentors. There are a few people in network marketing who are like that--conscientious, righteous, and hard working on their own. Rare breed. Be among that rare breed.
Less Hype
Another effective downline recruitment is the use of less hype. Too much hype tends to distort everything and cover up truth. That's not clean network marketing. That's not network marketing done righteously. Always present truth intellectually. That's it. If you need to put hype, make it 10 percent hype and 90 percent intellectual presentation. People need to know why they are joining you, so focus on the why. Don't lure them with sweet nothings and grotesque promises and pies in the skies because that would backfire on you and your business.
If I may say so, Jesus is the greatest networker. He knew how to set up a network of his duplicates. And he never hyped. Excess hypes are the style of mad cult leaders who want to deceive and move their unthinking followers to foolish deeds. Jesus always stimulated people's imagination and challenged them intellectually. It was Satan who hyped Adam and Eve into believing they can be like God by their own will and in man's ways.
Training and Mastery
When giving an orientation to your new recruits (which you should always do), emphasize on training and product and marketing plan mastery--especially product mastery. Half-hearted people will likely quit. A good downline sees the need to train and master his craft. This means he plans to build his career in network marketing in your team. With such emphasis, you do an effective downline recruitment. It may be slow but it often hits its mark, hitting the nail on the head. Quick recruitment may grow incredible numbers in no time, but they often produce incompetent, unscrupulous, and often rotten downlines. Making big money, yes, but corrupt networkers nonetheless. Do you like that in your team?
If you want a lasting and fruitful networking business, make it clean network marketing. And that includes effective downline recruitment.
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