Networkers are first and foremost educators. So are sales people. That's their first call. They shouldn't be known only for huge income and material possessions. What makes a livelihood a respectable career is when it helps people become better informed about the present world we live in. Thus, networkers and sales people are educators, in a very real sense.
Can You Imagine Selling Bottled Water 50 Years Ago?
If you tried to sell bottled waters 50 years ago, you'd be the laughing stock of the day. Water was readily available from home faucets (as they are today), so why the need to buy them in bottles? But as time passed by and population grew and pollution worsened, potable water became less readily available. Sure, you had clean water at home, but what about the water in the office or school or restaurant or fastfood? How sure were you that they served clean water? And the ice cubes they put in your drink? How sure were you that they were sourced from clean water?
So diarrhea cases went up.
Still, it looked stupid to be selling water in bottles. So what did sales people do? They started an education campaign. They taught people the hazards of dirty drinking water and the dire need for clean water. They bombarded us with TV commercials and radio and print ads. Gradually, Filipinos got the point. It was practical and smart to buy bottled water when you were away from home instead of asking for a glass of water in restaurants. Later, it became fashionable to drink water in bottles because we saw showbiz guys doing it on TV and on print. We even see Lorna Tolentino on display boards urging us to try her purified water.
Today, buying bottled water is as ordinary as buying candy from a corner store. No one laughs about it or thinks only stupid people would sell or buy something like that. But it took years of hardship for Filipinos to finally see their need for the product. And sales people were the educators who opened their eyes to reality.
Health Supplements? Who Need Them?
Today, the gargantuan task is to educate Filipinos on health supplementation. The average Pinoy does not believe in it. He or she believes that eating healthy food is enough. Worse, others believe that simply eating daily is enough.
The fact is, almost everything we eat today is poison! Even "fresh" vegetables and fruits. And Filipinos need to be aware of this. This is the new challenge that true health advocates face in this age. And networkers and sales people are educators. That's their first role. They should spearhead this campaign.
Most food you eat in fast foods and restaurants are practically poison. They're carcinogenic and high in white sugar and other harmful chemical ingredients. White sugar is food for cancer cells, in case you didn't know. Just look at the roasted or grilled burgers and chicken and pork (anything cooked directly on flames or burning coals is highly carcinogenic!) and ice cream and floats and fancy and foamy coffee (oh! they all look so yummy!) and the chemical preservatives put in them to make them last longer. People eat them all on a daily basis.
You know why diabetes and dialysis cases are up today? Some 50 years ago they were unheard of. It's due to the food people eat today, especially the gravy sauce they pour abundantly over their rice. And the way they substitute water with soft drinks and synthetic powder "fruit" juices. And those so-called "energy" drinks with lots of caffeine and white sugar. Yeah, they give energy for now, but they also slowly destroy your liver and kidneys. They can also cause cancer.
And probably you're proud of your high vegetables and fruits diet. And you say they're "fresh." Well, the fresher they are, the worse their poison is. Most vegetables and fruits today are highly exposed to chemical fertilizers and pesticides which stick stubbornly to them and don't get eliminated in washing or cooking. More so when eaten raw or "fresh."
Did you know that a bowl of vegetables about 50 years ago was rich in nutrition, and that to get the same amount of nutrition we have to eat sackfuls of vegetables today? Well, do you eat a sackful each day? If not, don't boast about eating lots of vegetables or even being vegetarian. It's all useless. You're eating poison just the same.
And the water you drink today. Do you know it has chlorine which causes cancer? And if you boast of having a water that went through a complex and delicate process of eliminating everything to make it pure drinking water, you're in double jeopardy! That water will make your body acidic and cancer cells thrive well in acidic environment.
Pork, beef, and chicken meats are often super treated with anti-biotics which stay in the meat and do not get eliminated with cooking. You eat the meat you, you get the anti-biotics and that's added poison to your system. The feeds given the animals are often rich in synthetic ingredients. All this equals weaker immune system. And fish? They are applied with chemicals--mostly formalin--to avoid early spoilage.
Pork, beef, and chicken meats are often super treated with anti-biotics which stay in the meat and do not get eliminated with cooking. You eat the meat you, you get the anti-biotics and that's added poison to your system. The feeds given the animals are often rich in synthetic ingredients. All this equals weaker immune system. And fish? They are applied with chemicals--mostly formalin--to avoid early spoilage.
But often, we have no choice but eat and drink these poisons. That's why we need to supplement. Supplementing is adding real and unspoiled nutrition into our diet so our bodies can fight back against poisons. Filipinos need to be taught that supplementing is no longer an option. It is a must! Every spoonful of food we eat takes away seconds or minutes from our life span. Money for buying supplements for daily intake should become part of our family budget.
We should educate people on supplementation and how this affects health, not just to profit more, but it's our moral obligation. It's just like how doctors have to tell patients what to do to be well and patients have to buy their prescription. Yes, they are licensed, we are not, but our health products are. And anyway, what we offer them are always subject to customers' will.
Networkers and sales people are educators, so they should be well equipped with useful and updated knowledge. They are health consultants, first and foremost, before they are business people. Be a conscientious networker. Be a dedicated health educator. This is vital for a clean network marketing and a righteous network marketing.