Convincing people to buy or join you do an online business is the greatest challenge in this work. Next is convincing them to be trained and do as you are doing. Convincing should be easy if you have the three most important things in business that work favorably in the minds of your prospects. So, here are the three effective ways to convince people.
Solid company
People shy away or have serious second thoughts about buying or doing an online business fearing it's a hoax. Employment, or having a job, is easier to believe and have faith in. You don't have to shell out money to invest on anything and it's the company that even pays you when you join it. But actually, employment makes you invest your time, energy, office presence and skills--in fact your entire life. It dictates almost everything you can do or can have. In the end, the company gets rid of you due to old age or disability--when it can no longer use you.
Your online business does not do that. Even if you die, the fruit of your hard work is transferred to your heirs. Just leave them your username and password to your business site. They can continue your business and reap from what you have sown, especially your residual and passive income.
Anyway, people need to see quality and reliability. To buy from you or join you, get a company that is known for stability and trustworthiness. Also, you need to personify that company stability. You need to show people how business relationships you make are stable because you are trustworthy. They can expect a lot more good business deals with you in the future.
Solid Product
People are wary of investing on a product that they will later discover ineffective. They need to know how exactly the product works. If you convince them with real proofs (not just buyers' testimonies), then there's a big chance of convincing them. First and foremost, you should be the good result of the product. Are you a satisfied customer yourself? That's tangible proof. Is the satisfaction evident in you? If you're in the health business and you keep coughing and sneezing and looking sick...
Another important thing is product necessity. Is it a must for enjoyment of a quality life? If it's just an added luxury, or a cute decor or accessory to make life a bit more fancy, or a food or drink they can do without, it may not sell much. But if it is essential to a good quality of life, they probably will, especially if its for their kids' welfare. The product should be an essential, and then bombard customers with reasons that make the product a must for a better life.
Solid Business
The business should be easy enough to do and really lucrative. A business that has a lot of procedures and requirements and steps and formulas and cycles will just confuse people, especially the novices and first-timers, and discourage them more from joining. How the business plan would work for them should be easy to grasp, and they should see themselves able to hit the goal, to be there on top, in the near future.
In short, it should be doable.
In short, it should be doable.
So far, have you noticed something? We have been thinking about how our customers would react to our product or business. Because it's about them. If they see how everything is for their benefit, they'd go for it.
So there you have the three effective ways to convince people. If you have them, your problem is solved 90 percent. The remaining ten percent of the problem gets fixed when you see yourself successful and on top in the business--see it in your mind. It all starts and ends in the mind. Do you have the imagination for this? Can you see yourself earning big with your online business?
So there you have the three effective ways to convince people. If you have them, your problem is solved 90 percent. The remaining ten percent of the problem gets fixed when you see yourself successful and on top in the business--see it in your mind. It all starts and ends in the mind. Do you have the imagination for this? Can you see yourself earning big with your online business?
Do You Need to Have Made Big Money to Convince People?
It doesn't matter if you have not yet made enough money from it. There is a myth that you have to be making money big-time first before you can make customers buy from you or join you in the business. If you haven't made big money from it, capitalize on company and product quality instead. Second is to mention those you know who are making big money from it.
Do healthy doctors first have to experience cancer before they can prescribe anti-cancer meds to patients? Or, let's put it this way. Money can buy things. That's a fact. Even if a very poor pauper told me that, I'd believe it--though he may not have the experience. A lot of things can be easily seen happening even if there are no proofs yet. If a boy keeps running to and fro across a national highway, I can believe that he is likely to be run over, though it hasn't happened yet. Why? Because I can perceive what's probable. Potential can be seen. The invisible can be perceived.
Make people see the potential of your product or business plan. You yourself should believe absolutely that the product or business will work, sooner or later. Then those who hear it from you would also see it happening to them. This is called inspirational sales or enthusiasm transfer in sales.
If you're not yet earning anything from your online business, it's not a problem. Everybody starts that way. Share your vision with prospects. Often, visions are more real than showing off your pay checks or commissions or cars to prospects. Our forefathers had visions for our Motherland centuries ago. Now, we're reaping the benefits. So who's greater--the vision of our forefathers or the benefits we reap today? Benefits come and go, but visions live forever, from generation to generation.
Just remember the three effective ways to convince people and apply this in your clean internet marketing, doing your online business.
Just remember the three effective ways to convince people and apply this in your clean internet marketing, doing your online business.
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