Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Proper and Effective Recruitment

One of the challenges of network marketing is proper and effective recruitment. Okay, so you have the right company and product and the marketing plan is awesomely easy and lucrative. But how do you recruit people into your network team? A lot of people are "allergic" to networking in the Philippines, and probably elsewhere. At the first sign of it, they scram real fast! So how do we do proper and effective recruitment?

Don't Try to Put a Mask on Network Marketing

The temptation is to hide network marketing behind a facade of "job offer" or "employment" with high income or a "business" that sounds like a traditional one. Better to say outright that "This is a network marketing offer." That way, people who don't deserve your offer are immediately eliminated from the list instead of making you hope falsely. Imagine training these guys or giving them a full orientation and then they just disappear into thin air. What a waste of effort.

So be plain and transparent right at the start. Tell them it's network marketing. I know, this will shoo off most people, but you will find 2 or 3 eventually who will be curious and listen to your offer. Bank on them. They might turn out to be powerful business partners. It's easier in the long run to partner with guys who were recruited in an honest way.

Don't Rely on Veteran Networkers

Another temptation is to just take along old networkers you know who are veterans in the field to fill up the slots. Nothing really bad about this, except that if you just relied on them, they'd eventually try to outsmart you by pulling some bad tricks. Some of them are professional swindlers or double crossers or scammers or even hostage takers--if you know what I mean. Once they're in the position to manipulate you or ask "ransom," they'd do it. And you have no choice but to give in to their demands.

These rotten eggs proliferate in the industry and they still hold fast to their old school traditions. Clean Network Marketing aims to wipe them all out by raising up a new breed of righteous network marketers. A breed without greed. 

So, if I were you, I'd target new blood into my network team. I'd look for the right new persons still innocent of networking corruption and train them as best as I can in Godly, righteous network marketing. That's proper and effective recruitment.

Target Fresh College Graduates or Students

The wayward unpredictability of the economy is producing millions of unemployed fresh graduates or college dropouts each year. These are eager to earn big money. Most of them have seen worse things in life and are tired of having what their parents experienced repeated in their lives. Most of them vow to do a lot better and really enjoy some measure of prosperity. But they also realize that the chances of this actually happening is bleak and they are often misled to believe that employment would bring them fulfillment. 

So off they go each day, hunting for the right job to give them real money rewards, to no avail. Initially, landing on a job and getting their first salary is pure excitement. But after a few months, they realize that prices of commodities continue to rise while their salaries do not. Then they feel trapped and everything seems to lead to a dead end.

Look for such young people. Offer them hope through network marketing. They may not like it at first sight, but ask them to just listen for 20 minutes. And give those 20 minutes your best shot.

Youth is when people are idealistic, daring, and adventurous. Most of them would dare try clean network marketing if taught right and taught well by clean network marketers like you. Make them see clearly that this is their chance to make sense of their hard work. Employment will never reward hard work, except maybe in terms of a few pesos or a pat in the back which they cannot use to pay for bills.

Clean network marketing is their chance to start in business with a small capital and earn huge money that can fulfill their dreams. NO employment can do that, except probably if, per chance, they get promoted to general manager. And even the pay for a general manager often does not have the capacity to fulfill dreams.

Mean What You Say

There is no better way to convince people for recruitment to network marketing than the enthusiastic and honest way you say  it. Mean what you say. No, you don't have to hype and look like a stupid clown. People will be entertained but I doubt if they'd go all the way with you. You just have to put the business into heart and talk to prospects heartily. Talk smartly and intelligently about it, look professional and at the same time look yourself. That makes everyone at ease, especially you. 

And most of all, DON'T LOOK TOO EAGER TO RECRUIT THEM. Over killing a prospect with persuasion just because you need downlines is the most pitiful way you can destroy your image in network marketing. Besides, it looks ugly. Tell them the facts tactfully and then leave the decision to them. Fine if they join, fine if they don't. That attitude should be seen in you. It makes a deep impression on your clean network marketing career, and says a lot about you as a career sales person. 

And to really mean what you say professionally and gracefully, you have to master your craft. Master the product and business.

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