Monday, September 10, 2012

Network Marketing: It's Your Business

Tips on How to Run It as Thus

Every network marketer is aware of it but many of them don't realize it. When you're in network marketing, it's your business. You are NOT an employee of the company. The company has no obligation to do the business for you or provide you your start up capital. If you don't have the capital, go get a job instead and be employed. Earn money so you'd have the capital to start the business.

Some networkers I've seen are just plain parasites. They start the business by credit--getting slots by credit, getting products by credit, and business by credit goes on and on and on. And stupid companies let them. Although these networkers later earn lots of money to stop doing business by credit, they won't shell out a single cent to buy slots or products. Most of them have bad attitudes and characters.

These are plain unscrupulous and corrupt networkers who give the industry a bad name. You see their attitude--they worship money and loyal only to it. They understand only the dictates of money. In fact, many of them do not understand what their product is. They sell it to people who are willingly gullible to them--and you'd be surprised at the number of gullible networkers in the Philippines who seem to have thrown their reason out the window!

Anyway, the one thing you should understand thoroughly about network marketing is--it's your business. You alone are responsible for starting it and making it grow and succeed. If it fails, you have no one to blame but yourself. So here are tips on how to go about this business, and how to treat it as your business.

Network Marketing is like this:

1. Produce your own capital. Borrow money (not from the network marketing company), make a loan. make an advance, earn money little by little, or sell something. It's your responsibility to produce your own capital. Anyway, you should look for a low-end business with a high-end potential income. If you want great ideas on this and what networking business to do that is super affordable but gives huge earnings, email me at and title it "Clean Network Marketing." I'll tell you wonderful details.

2. Master the Product and Business. Don't rely on your upline. It's your business, not your upline's. A lot of crooked networkers in Metro Manila never master any product because they keep hopping from one company to the other. Real crooks. After they earn lots of money they transfer to another company that gives them better offers and they tag along their massive downlines who are silly enough to go with them.

Clean network marketing looks for a good company and product and stays there a long, long while--long enough to master the product and enable downlines to earn enough--at least up to your 50th level. If you want to start a new networking business you should at least continue to do the former business to support downlines there who chose to stay.

I've been into health supplements for years and developed a reputation as health and health products expert. That's because I mastered the products I have dealt with--Goji, Green Tea, Squalene, Glutathione, Plums, Probiotics, organic sanitary pads, and now purple corn juice. I even did an organic fertilizer networking business and mastered the product so well, even to the extent of looking like an agricultural technician. I do a lot of research (though I have never been a leader or 01) and study the products by heart--especially how they work.

Product mastery and mastery of your line of business makes for a professional sales career. People will respect you, not for your money or possessions (cars, house, etc.) but for your professionalism and attitude towards your business. Though I'm not a doctor or nutritionist, lots of people consult me about health in general. And some see me as if I were a doctor.

3. Train to be a Leader. Train yourself or attend leadership training seminars. You have got to know how to talk--talk to individuals and large groups--and how to talk effectively, stirring up people's imagination and inspiring them to stand up and start moving with renewed enthusiasm. A lot of people on earth walk aimlessly without inspiration and direction. They won't show it but it's a fact. It's there in them eating them like unseen gangrene. You as network marketer has the responsibility to wake them up and start hoping again--to the max!

Sales people and network marketers are educators, first and foremost. We are teachers first and sales people second. We educate people about what they need. This is not being conceited, but it's a fact that a lot of people out there don't know what's good for them. This is especially so where health supplements are concerned. A lot of people are easy prey to deadly diseases and they have nothing to protect themselves with simply because they were not taught about it. As professional and conscientious network marketers and sales people we have the responsibility to share our knowledge with people and save them from ailments.

4. Talk Well! So train, train, train. Train how to talk well and effectively. That's a BIG part of the network marketing business. And it's your business! You cannot say, "Oh, gee, I can't talk to people. I don't have the gift." 

There are gifted talkers, but you don't have to be gifted to talk. We were all born with a mouth. Well, if you're mute, that's another story. But the fact is, you're not. Use that mouth effectively and for right reasons--one of which is to share your product and business through clean network marketing. 

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