How to give a good BOM--this is very important for sales people and network marketers. In fact, you cannot launch out into deeper waters unless you begin to address bigger audiences.
Bigger audiences create an image of growth and expansion. People always think there is safety in numbers. There are very few pioneers in this world, those who want to start something different. They see safety in a few. Anyway, once people see a big group, they think of stability. They think that because more people are doing it and profiting from it, it must be good. Sometimes, we can use this mentality to reach more people, not to deceive them but to share the benefits of our products and business.
Now, make sure you invite the right people. Don't invite just anyone to your BOM. Yes, share the business with all, but invite to your BOM only those with positive attitudes. This is especially so if your BOM includes snacks for your guests. It's not profitable to treat those who dislike your offer. It's nonsense. You are not doing a feeding program. You want to earn money. Okay?
But positive invites who turn out to be negatives later is unavoidable. But that's okay. At least, your selection process minimized incidents like this. It could've been worse if you had not selected your guests.
In BOMs, it's lots better if you do your own talk show. Yeah, it's a talk show, and make it turn out like that. You're there to entertain them, not just share the business. Don't murder them to boredom. They gave you their precious time, it's only fair that you make them happy.
So here are tips how to give a good BOM:
Be Happy. Be happy as you get up in the morning and through the day. That will perk up your spirit in preparation for the BOM. You're like a computer; program yourself to be happy. And that makes it easy to be positive.
Be Positive. Among the basic points of a BOM is to share a positive attitude towards the business. And it has to start with you. Don't do the talk like they owe it to listen to you, or it's using up your time. No, you're using up their time, so make it worthwhile.
Master the Presentation. If you have mastered the presentation by heart, no BOM should be a problem, whether in front of a small or big audience. By mastering the presentation, you can easily insert jokes or punchlines or play with voice intensity for stressing points. You can easily do the "act," as it were. Without mastery, you will sound like a robot, boring and monotonous, always peeking at your outline, which is a sure way to kill your audience to impatience and eventual lethargy and sleepiness. It's not how to give a good BOM, I tell you!
As much as possible, talk freely and comfortably while staying on course, without digressing too much. Too much digression likewise kills the interest of audiences.
Practice Talking. I often practice talking when alone in my room or in the bathroom. I talk in front of a mirror and see how I look while talking. Do I look confident? Do I look credible? Am I excited about the topic? Do it until you can easily do it. I imagine myself doing the best talk of all talks and I act accordingly. Practice makes perfect, so don't stop practicing even if you're already an ace speaker.
Pray. Prayer is power. Always ask God to be with you there during the talk and help you talk and help the audience buy. Nothing is impossible with him. And you can count on HIM to help you how to give a good BOM each time.
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