Saturday, December 21, 2013

How Your Children Benefit Powerfully from Your Clean Network Marketing

Above all, the most powerful benefit of your clean network marketing is the blessing on your children. When you do the networking business fairly and in a Godly manner, God makes sure your children get so blessed. And this is not just about the money they can get out of your networking efforts. I'm talking of something more than that. I'm talking of spiritual protection and security.

The Children Always Get the Results

With God, the result of anything you do on earth always fall on your kids. You suffer for it if you do wickedly, but your kids get the brunt of the shame. And that shame lasts a long time while they're here on earth. They carry that even when they grow up. It's like a curse. They won't realize it but it will be embedded in their personality--their dad or mom was a networking scammer. They're kids of scammers. God makes sure every evil deed gets repaid in this life.

The righteous person lives a blameless life; 
his children will be blessed after him. [Proverbs 20.7]

Now, applying that to clean network marketing, we can render it this way:

The righteous network marketer lives a blameless life;
his children will be blessed after him.

The Chain of Curses

I see a lot of scammers in the network marketing world. A lot of them even claim to be born again Christians. Some are even pastors. They get a lot of money, but they also get notoriety for being scammers. However, they seem unperturbed about it all. They even act arrogantly and superior because of the title. They consider themselves experts of some kind. But they don't realize that God's curse is on their lives and mounting as they go on victimizing people with their scams. 

Something like this happens to them without their noticing it:

When wickedness comes, contempt is not far behind [so they become arrogant]. 
And with shame comes bad reputation [that their kids suffer].
[Proverbs 18.3]

And do you know what that bad reputation or disgrace would do to your children? Someday, it will transform them into what you were when you were a scammer, only about 10 times worse. And you know what their spouses would do to them? They would keep nagging them for their disgrace. Watch this:

A foolish son is the very ruin of his father,
and a nagging wife is similar to a roof
leak that goes on dripping. [Proverbs 19.13]

That will pursue the lives of those who choose wickedness in network marketing, or in any field of endeavor. Your folly will be your children's ruin, and the effect on them will be your ruin, as well. So why scam? Why go on being a wicked network marketer?

But your kids will be saved from the curse if they come to know the righteous Networker, Jesus Christ. Better, if you yourself come to genuinely know Jesus Christ personally and be a righteous networker like him, doing everything fairly and Godly [and not just claim to be one and pretend]. You may not become rich with Clean Network Marketing, but your soul and your wife's and children's souls will be blessed. That's a higher reward than worldly possessions and riches. What would it profit you to be a millionaire in network marketing, if lose your soul?

For more on ethical and fair network marketing: 
Relationship Marketing: How To Build A Profitable And Ethical Network Marketing Or Affiliate Business

Saturday, December 14, 2013

How to Market Yourself 2: Speak Smartly

"The tongue has the 
power of life or death."

You really have to learn how to speak smartly. This is a super plus factor in network marketing. You have to communicate yourself and your product well in your native tongue and in English to target both classy and mass markets. Without this skill, you lose everything. That's why as early as my third year in college, I started training myself how to speak to a big audience. I was then only 23 years old in 1983 [I started networking in 1996] and I decided that I wanted to be the best public speaker for church ministry and in my college class.

By the way, How to Market Yourself 1 is about how  marketable is your face.

Today, I can hold an audience of 6,000 and get their interest all the time [it's memorable how I did that in a crusade in Antipolo one Lent], all by God's grace and power. I learned the secrets on how to keep big audiences glued to you, how to control your audience and direct them to a particular action, how to face huge crowds fearlessly, and how to make it look like you're assessing your audience and make them conscious of it [and neutralize their defenses] instead of your audience assessing you and you being conscious about it and being defensive about it all.

I also learned how to speak naturally, like you're just talking casually to a friend, instead of giving a speech to an audience. A formal speech to an audience takes out all the excitement in your talk. But talking to them like talking to a friend casually loads up your talk with all the necessary excitement, anticipation, and move to action. It's not easy developing these skills, but I can tell you anyone can reach a high level of it, with the right knowledge and training.

And I'm willing to give you some secrets gradually in my newsletters. So fill up the Contact Form on the sidebar of this blog and get the information in the newsletter all for FREE! You can improve the way you talk, and improving it is a must in sales--if you want to market yourself effectively. I have discussed to you how success in sales and network marketing is really hinged on how to market yourself. I've been in sales since 1993, and network marketing since 1996. So from that, you can easily tell I can teach you a lot. For more, check this out: It's the Way You Say It: Becoming Articulate, Well-spoken, and Clear

Monday, December 9, 2013

Is Your Face Marketable?

CNM will be doing a series on How to Market Yourself these coming days, and this is one very important lesson in successful Clean Network Marketing. It's not just about selling yourself; it's about marketing your face! And we will especially tackle the subject indepth in our Newsletters which we exclusively give for FREE to those who fill out the Contact Form on the sidebar of this blog.

So, what are you waiting for? Fill it out now!

Your face should be easy to market in network marketing. And this does not mean having a handsome or pretty face. It means having a marketable face. With products, something is said to be marketable if it has the potential of making repeat sales easily. A face is marketable if it makes repeat acceptability among your contacts or prospects. No matter what you offer, people just keep buying. Do you have that face?

The key to this is a face of confidence. Confidence in what you are doing makes you relax, open, and transparent so that talking to people--any people--makes you relax and actually enjoy it. People who put up a hard or false front lack confidence. Why? Probably because they do not know what they're talking about or doing. So, their faces are not marketable.

It's Not Just about Always Smiling or Being Nice

It's good to have a smiling face or being Mr Nice Guy. But that's not what we mean here. We want a look of confidence because we've mastered our trade. Ever seen a martial arts master and an amateur? Masters are calm and confident. They don't need to prove themselves to anyone. Amateurs always need to hype and please people.

A marketable face is an inspiration. You face a guy, talk to him, and transfer your confidence, idealism, and daring to him. In short, you easily inspire people to take up challenges. You do not hard-sell people or appear too eager to make a sale. People see sincerity, expertise, and determination on your face. And this face cannot just happen. It takes serious study and experience in the field to gain clean network marketing wisdom. One look and people know you can be trusted and you know what you are talking about. More on this in our Newsletter.

"Wisdom brightens a man's face and changes its hard appearance."
[Ecclesiastes 8.1]

Friday, November 29, 2013

Why Continue to Do BOMs that Don't Work?

I'm not saying BOMs never work. I'm saying that a lot of BOMs out there don't work, and they're stupid. But lots of networkers still do them, anyway, because it's the traditional thing to do. They feel that success is not possible without BOMs happening. BOMs to them are an indication that vital signs of life are showing. Holding BOMs to them means something positive is happening. Well, yeah, often it means that something's happening to make you lose more money.

Office BOMs are a bit okay, but what I can't understand are BOMs in fast food stores which very rarely work at all. You just feed people often for nothing. They attend your BOM waiting for the burger and drinks to be served. Would they make a payin? Most times, never.

Why won't a lot of people do payins in BOMs, even those held at the office? First, there's the inner feeling of annoyance or even hatred being invited to a networking business. Lots of people, especially in Manila, hate the idea, especially when they hear the usual stupid networking hypes and slogans being recited there: "Payaman na tayo! Tatlong bagsak! Sino ang ayaw yumaman!" These are all stupid, and BOMs are so full of them. If you get any signup in such BOMs, they are often unproductive or unqualified signups. They won't help you in the long run. Unqualified signups only help your topmost uplines get richer.

Second, there are many distractions in BOMs. And why not? Imagine gathering 20 to 50 people in one place. The more people, the more distractions. Add to that the noise and added distractions from other people if the BOM is held in fast food stores. I have conducted a lot of BOMs already in my life, and have also seen others do it, and saw how easily you can lose your audience in 5 seconds, especially if you're not a skilled presentor--and many presentors are thus. They are nothing but second rate copy cats of the network leaders they admire. They sound like broken tape recorders, and who'd want to listen to guys like that?

Third, clean and systematic follow-ups after BOMs seldom happen because BOMs are usually disorderly after they happen. People just want to go home immediately and other insensitive networkers make a lot of noise so that you more easily lose your prospect's attention.

What's more effective than BOMs [and cheaper, too], or how to make your BOMs really effective, are topics I discuss in my FREE CNM Newsletters. If you want them, simply fill up the Contact Form on the sidebar of this blog and say, "Please send me the newsletter."

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Easy Ways to Make Prospects Show Up for Your Appointments

Most prospects have a knack for escaping set appointments, especially when they sense that it's all about network marketing. How often have they agreed to meeting with you, and then later text you about not making it due to this or that reason? You lose precious time, effort, and money especially when the prospect cancels the appointment at the last minute.

Admit it. Many people are allergic to network marketing also because of unscrupulous networkers and companies who made the business look bad. And now we suffer for it. If you're one of them, it's time for you to repent of your wickedness. Fooling people of their money and trust is big-time wickedness in God's eyes. If you don't want to end up in hell, repent and be a righteous networker doing clean network marketing.

Now, one of the tactics they teach you in networking or MLM seminars is to never tell the prospect where you're taking him to--what they call kidnap. Don't reveal what the business is all about, they add. This is dead WRONG! This is not clean network marketing. A clean network marketer is always transparent so that people always see you as worthy of their trust. If you cannot be trusted with small things, you cannot be trusted with big things, especially big money.

So, if you want people to like you, always be honest. Make a name for yourself on honesty.

So, how do you make prospects show up in your appointments without fooling them? Easy--simply visit them in their homes or offices. Do not meet with them somewhere where escape would be easy for them. Do not set meetings at the BOM venue or the company office. They're apt not to come. Meet them right in their hideouts. I and my wife do that and we never miss our appointments. What do you say is your reason for visiting them? Here are some of my suggestions:
  1. Long time no see! Can I visit you at your place? [For old times' sake]
  2. I heard you have a new office or living room interior. Can I check it out?
  3. You have a new dog? Can I go there and see it?
  4. Can we play a game of basketball?
  5. I learned a new recipe. Let me cook it for you at your place!
For targeting new prospects you're not acquainted with yet, you can ask the help of the person who referred the prospect to you. Arrange for a casual visit and take your friend along with you. For more on this, get my FREE newsletter by filling up the Contact Form on the sidebar of this blog!

With the visit purposes outlined above, you'll never miss catching your prospects. They may even prepare snacks for you, so it's cost-effective, too--instead of you having to treat your prospects or guests after taking them to a BOM. Then, during the visits and talks, inject the business presentation in a most casual manner. Like, "And speaking of arthritis, have you heard about this new, power liquid juice product that really gets rid of arthritis and many other diseases?"

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why You Need a Reliable UPline

You should choose your upline well. Don't just sign up with anybody. Look for someone who can lift you up from his vantage position. An upline is positioned up there precisely to pull up those immediately down him or her. Being a downline, you need all the help you can get from above.

However, this doesn't mean you can just be a heavy load down there waiting for everyone to pull you up. You should do your own pulling up. It should be a teamwork--with everyone doing what should be done. But again, the upline should spearhead all this. He or she should know how to lead his or her team in adversity and victory.

All of us are bound to become uplines in network marketing. So, this is what an upline should be:
  1. He should know the product, company, and system more than his downlines do. He should be able to present or explain them well enough.
  2. He should inspire his direct downlines to positive action.
  3. He should train his direct downlines and duplicate himself on them.
  4. He should should be updated on advanced knowledge and techniques.
  5. He should rely on the UPline.
Do You Know Who the UPline is?

This is crucial in CLEAN Network Marketing. You cannot do without this. I know that rarely do networking or MLM training programs include the UPline connection as a topic. A lot of networkers know their human uplines and 001s but do not know who the UPline is, especially how to connect with him. Connecting with him gets everything in business in proper order. 

God, the UPline, is concerned about everything that goes on the earth. After all, he is God. I know this may sound strange or even foolish to some of you, but it's a fact--God is concerned even about what goes on in network marketing businesses--and especially in your network, no matter how small it is. And he is the only one you can truly rely on in a world of uncertainties.

To tell you plainly, every business out there is uncertain, big or small. You may be a business empire now but you can suddenly fall and disappear the next few seconds. In the Old Testament, Tyre, a world trade center in the later part of the prophets, couldn't believe how it suddenly sunk to nearly nothing when all its trades and businesses suddenly collapsed. Even Egypt, once a world power, was reduced to a minority.

Kingdoms Against Kingdoms

What more of businesses today, and what more of network marketing companies? No matter how big a corporation you are, God can suddenly sink you down. Nobody thought the Titanic was going to be sank by mere ice. Anyway, the point is that, you should know how to acknowledge and rely on God the UPline. He is the reliable UPline.

Failing to know and rely on God the UPline starts your fall. Yes, you may achieve a certain height and prosperity, but you will surely fall sooner or later, more so when you learn to rely on your big network, experience, knowledge, popularity, income and material possessions--your trophies. I've seen it happen all the time. Look at how God the UPline assess it all:

Because you have depended on your own strength 
and your own warriors [or downlines]
...your fortressess will be devastated.." [Hosea 10.13-14]

Nothing lasts forever, even a well established networker enjoying a big network. The bible says kingdoms will rise against kingdoms. That includes kingdoms in network marketing. In times when the network you have built, and which you thought would never end, is about to collapse [it happens], you need a reliable UPline who would stay with you and lift you up. You and your networking team should know him. This is why you need a reliable UPline.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Why Your Network Doesn't Grow Fast [See FREE Video!]

It's been the problem of most network marketers--their networks doesn't grow fast enough. It's probably your problem, too. You've been doing the right things and yet your network remains small--or worse, you haven't recruited anyone in months! Or perhaps, you already have a good number of downlines and yet your business remains unprofitable and you don't know where the problem is.

A young and brilliant Pinoy network marketer I came across with recently helped me a lot in this respect. He has been helping lots of network marketers identify their weaknesses so they can turn them into strengths. He's been giving simple yet effective practical steps on how to share your business to others and get as little or even zero rejection in the process. Can you imagine that?

Watch the FREE Video here!

I've been a networker since 1996 and have heard almost all the tricks in the bag [or so I thought], and yet I got a lot of tips from this guy--and they sure aren't just tricks. They are systematic and scientific steps of analyzing your networking business and skills, where you've been going wrong, what mistakes you keep repeating [but never realizing it], and what wrong "tips" your upline has been telling you. That's right. Your upline may have good intentions, but he or she might be destroying your true potentials in network marketing without realizing it.

Lots of times, networkers just accept what has been traditionally going on in network marketing, or simply following what is according to trends. Most times, they rely on BOMs. hyping, and recruiting. They may get lots of signups, but mere signups don't always equate to residual income--which is what successful and clean network marketing is all about, aside from helping people solve their problems related to your products. Lots of times, signups only fill your business with liabilities.

How do you recruit the right people into your team? How do you get team players instead of bystanding recruits--people who just stand by and wait for help to come so you'd produce checks for them? How do you turn newbies and amateurs in your team into career professionals?

To effectively scout and recruit the right people who will work with you and devote their time and resources to build their own teams with you, you need to ask the right questions. Do you have the right product? The right company? And last, do you have the right skills?

Fill up the Contact Form and request for exclusive updates and tips on "Honing Your Deadly Network Marketing Skills" now. And make sure to also watch this FREE video on how to Sponsor More Downlines by visiting this link!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Product Binary: One Product Purchase Pair Pays Out!

It used to be a binary on your recruits or downlines. You got a bonus for each of your pairs left and right. So, you tried hard to fill up your left and right sides with people. But that's all obsolete. With this old binary style, you have to keep getting new recruits just to cash in on the binary bonus. That's a lot of exhausting work. But you can forget about too much recruitment and concentrate on product expertise with product binary. Just up your group sales and get big binary bonuses!

By promoting the health benefits of your health supplement product, you can make lots of money from the product binary bonus. The more your downlines use or sell the products, the more you earn money from your product binary bonus. This is a new breakthrough in clean network marketing! "Clean" because you don't have to look like a scammer anymore, always out to make recruits of people [that looks like a scam to people].

With product binary, you pair product purchases left and right. Each time someone on your left buys a box of product which matches another purchase of a box of product on your right, you get the bonus! Make sure you get a 1:1 product binary that immediately gives you your money reward for each pair you make. Some product binary systems wait til you get 7 or 8 product pairs before you are paid out. What if you just reach 6 pairs and stop? You never get your bonus, except that you reach the minimum number of pairs.

With a 1:1 product pairing or binary bonus,  you don't have to accumulate pairs in great numbers before you are rewarded. Each time you have one pair, you get paid!

This is an amazing development in the binary system. Even if you just recruit one on your right and one on your left, as long as they use the product regularly, you keep earning from your one-level binary, weekly or monthly, the rest of your life! It gets rid of the vicious cycle of having to get new recruits each week or month just to earn from the binary.

Moreover, traditional binary never lets you earn from your previews binary pairs. Once you earn bonus from a pair, that's it. You never earn from it again. But with product binary, you keep earning from the same pair, week after week or month after month, as long as the pair keeps using the product and you remain consistent with your maintenance.

UPDATE: BWL Product Binary gives you 1:1 box pairing bonus! If you're interested, tell me through the Contact Form on the sidebar!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Do You Have a Righteous Networking Company?

The first thing you must have in network marketing is the right company, and the right company is a righteous networking company, first and foremost. I don't think you have heard of this in the BOMs you have attended, have you? And few networkers would look for a company with this quality. They either look for a company with a lucrative comp plan or one which is financially stable. Well, do you have a righteous networking company?
The righteous will never be uprooted, 
but the wicked will not remain in the land. [Proverbs 10.30]
A righteous company will never be uprooted because God supports it. Before looking for a stable company [which is a legitimate concern], first look for a righteous networking company whose business partner is God. Without God you can do nothing. You may make lots of money with a godless company but the end result of it really is death. Seriously speaking. It will destroy your soul and your family. 

Part of a righteous networking company is its legalities. It should have the proper government licenses and permits and the product should be FDA approved if it's a health or food supplement. A company should also have stability and an intelligent culture. We all know this and I need not elaborate.

Righteousness is Hinged on the Owner

Company righteousness is hinged on the owner. His standing with God determines the spiritual character of the company. Thus, it's best if he is a committed believer of God and believes His Word. A righteous company, then, should have a righteous and Godly owner-networker who, at least, has a good fear of God reigning in his heart and mind, and has the following traits:

1.     He should have integrity with his networking policies and never lie.
2.     He should have a firm word of honor and never be double-minded.
3.     He should never change marketing systems that would nullify the present one.
4.     He should not adulterate the product content in any way.
5.     He should not tamper with the product expiration date.
6.     He should be true to his employees and networkers.
7.     He should never deal with networkers who have doubtful characters.

These are just some of the things we should take careful note of today. Lots of networking companies fail miserably on these points and you would do well to avoid them at all cost. Woe to you if you have a company founded on lies, deception, and rottenness! Remember the second part of God's Word above? Wicked people, among them unscrupulous networkers, will not remain in the land. They won't last long. If they do last long, their souls are already burning in hell.

Beware of Company Owners with Vices

Keep away from company owners who are drowning in vices like smoking and drinking, especially if his company is into health supplements. If he is not a health enthusiast, how can you trust him with his products? Shun all owners and networkers who are womanizers and gamblers. Folks like them are sure big liars and are inclined to cheat and deceive. If you know people who are like that and still join them, you'd come out a bigger fool in the end.

Avoid Hyping Companies

Hyping is often times a way of hiding something and lure people into doing something they shouldn't do. Inspiring people is worlds apart from hyping them. Hyping is tricky and deceptive. Inspiring is intellectual persuasion with a healthy element of electrified emotion. Hence, I believe a righteous networking company is product based and focuses on training people specifically in how to present the product intellectually with a strong element of PR. 

Companies with unrighteous owners cannot end up being righteous networking companies in the end--unless their owners repent, have a change of heart, and practice clean network marketing. You are sure to fall together with unrighteous companies because God is going to uproot them. You will get what the wicked deserve if you side with them and help them in their endeavors.

Company is not that Righteous but the Product is Good

I know. There will be times when you find a good product because of it's benefits but the company selling it is not that righteous. Pray about it, and if you get a go, just make sure you remain righteous with it. The prophet Daniel and his friends were officials of Babylon but they made it good there, because of God's favor on them. And that favor on them made that empire prosper as well. 

However, there are companies that are full of wickedness so that joining them contaminates you somewhat and gets you affected by God's ire in the end. In the bible, Lot joined the city of Sodom and later lost his wife [who turned into a pillar of salt] because of her contamination with wickedness. Oh, and by the way, wicked companies often have the penchant for looking innocent and good initially--like wolves in sheep's clothing. In the end, they reveal their true colors.

Yes, some wicked companies may look successful for a time [Sodom and Gomorrah did], but they will suddenly be eliminated, nowhere to be seen again. 

The senseless man does not know, fools do not understand, 
that though the wicked spring up like grass and all evil doers flourish, 
they will be forever destroyed. [Psalm 92.6-7].

Monday, September 23, 2013

Righteous Network Marketing: Being a Righteous Networker

You cannot be established through wickedness. 
However, the righteous cannot be uprooted. -Proverbs 12:3

The passage above is quite true with righteous network marketing, in being a righteous networker. God is the God and Author of clean network marketing and we should make sure everything is according to the right way of doing network marketing. And you cannot do this business any other way but righteously and fairly if you want true success in it.

Of course, we see a lot of crooks and scammers in the industry of network marketing today, and they seem to be successful at it. Making lots and lots of money, however, is not success in any business endeavor--that is, if you strongly believe in clean network marketing. Success in business is when you do everything God's way, accomplish His will, and please Him. That is genuine success. If you're a scammer, you please no one but the devil and you're the worse of all losers even if you have so much money, possessions, and prestige with fellow crooks. 

Yeah, other foolish networkers will look up to you and place you on a pedestal, but that's all empty.  Jesus Christ, the Originator of righteous network marketing, said something like this: So what if you gain the whole world but end up in hell doing it? You cannot be established through wickedness. God's Word said it and that's  final. No wonder I see lots of rich and "successful" scammers and deceivers in network marketing with rotten lives, rotten marriages, and rotten characters. It's a curse on them.

Wicked Network Marketing

I define wicked network marketing as doing it outside the generally accepted basic rules of fair and righteous network marketing. Some unfair and wicked practices are as follows:
  1. Doing anything to upset company safety net.
  2. Selling products lower than the company SRP.
  3. Being an independent distributor but then asking monetary support from the company.
  4. Not paying your loans or advances from the company.
  5. Not supporting your immediate downlines, especially your directs.
  6. Asking money support from your uplines.
  7. Mass recruitment or "kamada" in Filipino.
Righteous Network Marketing

Righteous network marketing, on the other hand, is being a righteous networker. This means the right way to do network marketing. Sounds pretty obvious and self-explanatory, but believe me, it isn't in the real network marketing world out there. It's mere head knowledge to scammers but it's not in their hearts. They think network marketing is just all about money and they destroy its image, affecting others who do it with clean hearts.

1. Safety Net: Never do anything that would destroy the company's safety net. Be concerned about how the company is making profits from the business and support it. If you're the type who thinks of ways how to cheat on the safety net, you're a scammer! Think of others' welfare. If you cheat on the company and it closes shop, how about the others who have barely started with the business? Be a godly network marketer. Do everything the right way to do network marketing.

Judas was like that. All he cared for was the money he'd get. He didn't think of God or the Master or the lives of his fellow Gospel networkers.

2. Don't Sell Below SRP: Some networkers have to do lots of monthly product maintenance due to their many accounts. What scammers do is get rid of their many products by selling them below SRP. If you do this, you'd undermine product movement and soon the company will be out of business. New networkers cannot sell their products at SRP to make a little gain from it because you have upset the market selling price.

3. Be a Real Independent Distributor: You're an "independent" distributor, not an employee of the network marketing company. So do the business with your own money. Do not ask for money support or "pang galaw" from anyone--not from the company or from your upline. It's a stupid idea introduced by unscrupulous people and scammers. It defeats the purpose of network marketing, which is to raise up independent distributors who engage masterfully on the products through leveraging. Be a real businessman or woman.

Do Jollibee franchisees ask money from the Jollibee company to do the business? Of course not. You should do any business with honor. And it's stupid to claim to be a network leader and be unable to move without money support from the company. And then your downlines do the business using their own money! It's gross unfairness! It's very seldom true that leaders use the monetary support from the company to "help" their downlines.

4. Pay All Your Advances: Some leaders make product advances without payment. They pay this in installments, as the products are sold. But a lot of them do not pay back their loans. Never be like that!

5. Support Your Immediate Downlines and Directs: You cannot support all your downlines to the nth level, but you can your immediate ones. That's how networking works. Make sure to train them well. It's your responsibility as their upline, even if you're not a network 001 leader. If you don't do this, you are seen as a wicked networker. It's not the right way to do network marketing. Righteous network marketing means you focus training and helping at least your 3 or 5 to 10 directs and some of their directs. At least to the 2nd or 3rd generation, if possible.

6. Never Ask Money from Your Uplines: Remember, your uplines are independent distributors, too, doing the business with their own money. They're not obligated to support you financially. But if they decide to do so, it's pure grace. Be grateful, and make sure you use the money well to do the business. It's awkward to ask money from uplines, but if they offer it voluntarily, then why not? Just be a faithful steward of his or her money. It's part of righteous network marketing, the right way to do network marketing.

7. Mass Recruitment or Kamada: This is pure greed. Some network leaders recruit people en masse to defeat the company safety net and put it out of business. They don't care about their downlines; they just use them to get money unfairly. After they have amassed lots of money, they do another networking business, not minding the hundreds or thousands of others they brought to the first business and who haven't earned any profits yet.

Kamada is Ultra Wicked

Kamada is wicked [it's hell's way to success, the broad and easy path to destruction] and it's the method of even wicked politicians who amass people deceitfully to gain their votes during an election. After they use their votes, they throw them away as useless junk. Come next election [or come next networking business], kamadors use these unthinking people again and they willingly join them again. Kamada in network marketing produces networking lords and their stupid minions who always stand by their sides to support them and make them rich--even if they themselves don't. 

If you want fair and righteous network marketing, never let yourself be used by a kamador. Avoid kamada at all costs. And never be one! Be under a righteous independent distributor and be like him or her. The profits may come in very slowly at first, but it will work out soon, because God always rewards patience. Never give up. Keep doing the business righteously. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Network Marketing: Hope for the Hopeless

Clean network marketing is really hope for the hopeless. I'm not referring to unscrupulous network marketing companies or networkers who devise scams and stash away people's money. Clean network marketing is a good earning alternative for people who are rejected by this world's standards.

I see lots of people, especially in the Philippines, scorn network marketing and networkers. They belittle it and look down on networkers. In a sense, I don't blame them. A lot of scammers have marred the image of network marketing here. Yet, this unique business can make the hopeless hopeful again. 

Hope for the Marginalized

Some people are gifted with talents, intellect, and good looks. They capitalize on these to make it good in life. They become successful business people, corporate leaders, government officials, or showbiz personalities making lots of money in "decent" ways. Decent because anything traditional is decent and acceptable to most people. And they scorn anything new and strange to their ears, like network marketing--labeling them "evil" even without knowing what it really is. They just base their judgment on what they hear people say or what some book or newspaper writer or TV reporter say about it.

To be sure, when some popular people say things against something, it's because they're serving the interest of another who is hurt by the thing they're adversely commenting about. Particularly, most people hate the idea of the hopeless or poor suddenly getting well-to-do or rich and no longer under their control. For instance, a lot of businesses capitalize on people's inferiority complex. They sell products that supposedly boost confidence.

Imagine if more people are helped by network marketing and boost their confidence and no longer need confidence boosters. That would be bad news for these businesses. Or, imagine if poor people are suddenly catapulted to greatness and riches. That would be added competition for already popular people whose entire life is their popularity. And that could also spell loss of fans for them. Why would poor-people-turned-rich admire them any longer?

Network marketing provides a very affordable and feasible way for marginalized people to be empowered to realize their dreams together. It's people power for business that can really earn millions for them if done correctly and righteously. Network marketing is hope for the hopeless. Unfortunately, a lot of networkers are not educated well on how to manage their new-found fortune. They use it for vanity to emulate the rich and famous and end up bankrupt again.

If the masses are given power to pursue better education because they have more money through network marketing, who would want to remain fanatics of showbiz people or maids for the rich? Less people would remain idiots serving as fans or servants for these people. 

Get-Rich-Quick Scheme?

They still believe network marketing is a get-rich-quick scheme. They do not realize the hard work involved here because they have never really tried doing it. Try doing it for at least 3 years and you'd see that initially, it's not a quick scheme for riches at all. It's mighty hard work. After 3 years, when you have gained a lot of confidence from customers, the business becomes easier and faster, and it works that way with traditional businesses, too. 

It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. It only looks that way because it is more feasible and lucrative than traditional businesses. Traditional businesses only make you earn money from mark-up profits and you shell out lots of money for your overhead cost. Network marketing lets you earn not just from mark-ups but also from continuous and increasing override commissions from your downline-partners--or what they call residual income, plus bonuses and incentives. And you don't have any overhead cost (rent, electric and water bill, salaries of employees, etc.). 

People who are not that gifted, intelligent, and good looking (and whom employers and companies are always prejudiced against--they reject them outright in job interviews) can come together as one team or one force to do an affordable, people-based business that can help them realize their dreams.

You should try network marketing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Product Expertise: Key to Stable Success

BE a product expert--that's the secret to a sustained and clean network marketing business. Always know products details and never just rely on what the company says about the product. Do regular researches. When you have established yourself in product expertise, you can talk confidently about it with anyone, even doctors--and they will listen to you.

Plain Recruitment 

A lot of network marketers zero in on the marketing plan. They lure people into their network by hyping them with how high the potential income is. In short, they are just in the recruitment business. Most networkers have that wrong notion about how network marketing is recruitment. Truth is, network marketing is sales and marketing. It's really selling a product and getting repeat purchases. The goal is to get customers for life who benefit from the product and know how they in fact do benefit from it.

Thus, a big part of network marketing is educating customers on how they benefit from the product. That's how you enjoy sustained sales and continuous network growth. The more they know about the product the more they're hooked to it. But how can you educate them with product information if you don't know anything about it--because your skill is fixed on recruitment? And if you do not update your product info, how are you going to excite them about it to up your sales? 

You cannot give what you do not have. A lot of networkers, being lazy with  their homework, just keep recruiting people. Their only skill is to hype and lure people. That's it. Once these people join their network, it's up to them to continue with the business or not. Lazy uplines do not extend help to them--they just want to earn money from their downlines. And these are mostly binarians--because the Binary system is more suited for recruitment, and thus very few professional and clean networkers are binarians.

Look at Drug Companies

Look at drug companies like Unilab, Pfizer, and other big names in that industry. Why are they stable and why do they keep producing professional sales and marketing people? Because they are product oriented. Their agents know their products and know what they're talking about. They can confidently face doctors and doctors listen to them--something very few networkers, if any, can do. Med reps are respected and ooze with professionalism. Just one look at them and you know they're smart. I hear some of them do product presentations and use medical and pharmaceutical terms like they were physicians.

Not so much with most networkers. All you hear from them is how much they earn, or the potential earning of the business. That's why they often smell of scam. They cannot even speak intelligently because all they talk about in their BOMs is hype, money, and gimmicks. They seldom discuss the product intelligently.

Some networking companies have poor taste for the products they choose and this is to eliminate the need to discuss their products intelligently. They just offer product packages of soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and perhaps a coffee or chocolate drink. When product presentation comes, all they do is show the products. "Okay, these are our products!" That's all. And all you see are overpriced products also available in any supermarket. 

The point is, why would I be a distributor of those products? What benefit would my customers have with them? Will they be better off buying from supermarkets than go to me with an overpriced brand? Real distributors should know the answers to these questions. You are in the service business, too, as a distributor. But I guess most networkers do not understand what being a distributor means--and probably they do not realize that they are product distributors.. All they know is how to recruit.

Professionalize Network Marketing

Network marketers should start being professionals. They should be product experts, first and foremost, and not just know something about the product. They should be an authority in their product line. That way, network marketing can become known as an intellectual business and attract more people and make more customers for life.