Monday, October 22, 2012

What Do You Do If You Have a Lousy Upline?

Too bad about networking is that often you cannot choose your uppermost upline. The guy just earns money from your efforts but doesn't do anything to help you. Worse, he even does silly things that affect you and other downlines negatively. So, what do you do if you have a lousy upline like that?


Complain is the last thing you should do. Well, there are times when complaints are justified, but not always. Often it just adds to the problem. You just prove that you are as sick and a pain in the neck as your upline is. Some downlines rebel against or bad-mouth their leaders. That's not clean network marketing.

Request Change of Upline?

Requesting to be transferred to another group is not a solution. It will disturb the whole system and even mar the image of the company. So beforehand, know the nature of the group you're joining into. And anyway, most uppermost uplines are like that--useless to you. So why bother? It would be a never-ending transfer if you look for the perfect upline. There's none.

Be the Exact Opposite

Just be the exact opposite of your lousy upline. Determine to help your downlines, and the greatest help you can give is to train them well in the business--product and marketing. And you can only do this if you are yourself well trained. An expert. Only experts can train others. So study well the product and marketing and attend training seminars. Forget about what your upline can do to you--and which brings us to next very important point.

Forget about Your Upline

Forget him or her. Just do the business. Build up your own team. Build up from 7  to 10 people under you who would also build up others to be like them. Be the leader you hoped your upline would be. So, what do you do if you have a lousy upline? Produce your kind of the upline from your trainees.

Don't Perpetuate Yourself to Active Leadership

Be the leader, but don't perpetuate yourself to that role. Imagine if all your downlines would just rely on you to the business for them, leading them and taking initiatives for them. You'd surely die. They'd kill you! Train others for leadership. Give them roles and responsibilities. When they're fully functional, then you can have some rest and free time for yourself. They should train others who would train other people for leadership. Make it a goal to have a team of leaders--and righteous leaders at that! That's what clean network marketing is all about. That's powerful righteous network marketing!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Be Product Based, Not Network Based

Sell the product, not the networking system. Sell the product, not people. Be product based, not network based, and you'd never go wrong.

A lot of networkers sell the networking system. They just show you the product and say something like, "This is the product. It's a unique toothpaste from Mars," and that's it. He proceeds with explaining the marketing system and spends much time for it.

Sell the product. Master the product, research on it, so you can present it well to prospects. I know I said somewhere on this blog that you should say outright when asked that what you are is a network marketer. Don't tell a lie. But do not sell the networking system. Begin with the product, it's unique benefits to users. Then, if they ask you if it's a networking business, then say so. Be honest.

The truth is, you are really selling a product. The networking system comes in second. The prospect should fall in love with the product first. Then he'd be further impressed by the concomitant earning system. Why is this important? Because marketing is really product movement, not people movement. The whole point about network marketing is developing a network of consumers always doing repeat purchases. Product loyalty. 

It is tempting to get out of clean network marketing and instead recruit a mass of people to be under you whom you can "use" to make money for you. That's what happens when network marketing is done without product expertise and emphasis. It becomes a scam. That's why we see unscrupulous leaders with big groups bolting away from a company and bringing with him his whole empire of unthinking downlines who do not realize they're just being used. He brings them to different networking businesses so that in the end he and some of his immediate cohorts are the only ones profiting.

Always be product based, not network based. Build a team of downlines educated about the product and committed to re-purchasing and benefiting from it. When there's product movement, everyone benefits, especially if the leaders and uplines make new entry slots (or buy again as a "new member") now and then under them that benefits their downlines. 

Later, they may decide to do another networking business while continuing to do the former. Business is investment, and you have to have more than one investment to play the thing safe. Unscrupulous networkers, on the other hand, leave the former business altogether once they have profited from it, unmindful whether their downlines have attained ROI and earned enough profits. They keep hopping from one business to another, and then brag about their wealth, to the detriment of their downlines' investments. But foolish downlines like it that way and are even proud of their uplines. 

If you want fair and righteous network marketing, be product based, not network based. Sell the product diligently, train your downlines, and the networking system will just be added unto you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Make Recruitment Easy for You

To be successful in network marketing you have to know how to make recruitment easy for you. It will be easier if you do this tip: always be honest. In clean network marketing, honesty is the best sales policy. And you have to be honest about what business you have.

Don't Hide Behind Disguises

Many networkers hide behind disguises and don't say outright that what they are offering is a networking business. Say it right in the beginning when asked. Be honest. This is a networking business. If the prospect hates network marketing, make that as your launching pad to your presentation. Ask the prospect, "What made you hate network marketing?"

People will always appreciate your honesty and openness. They may not like network marketing, but they'd like you. And when you declare your business, "I'm a network marketer," be proud of it, and make sure the prospect sees that. It's easy to do this especially when you get fat checks regularly and own a new posh car and a house of your own. But what if you ain't got nothing yet?

Don't pretend you're rich or making big money already out of networking. Don't pretend to be something you are not. Be honest. Clean network marketing will make recruitment easy for you. God will bless you, for sure. If you haven't made a single cent from networking, just appear professional, tidy, smart, and confident to your prospects, making sure he or she sees that you have studied your product very well and that from such diligent study you believe in the product intelligently.

Start with the Product

Although honesty is of the essence, never start with presenting the networking business. Present the product first and highlight its benefits. After all, there won't be any business without the product. Don't just have the product for the sake of having a product. Be a master of the product. Remember that product expertise sets you apart from scammers. Scammers just want the money. Professionals sell product benefits. They are there as consultants to help their prospects and customers.

Then Comes the Business

After the product, proceed with the business. If the prospect has no more queries about the product, say something like, "You see, the company wants customers to earn from the product. And there's big money in this!" Always sound excited enough about the business.

If he or she asks, "So, how much have you made so far?" Be honest. If it's only a few hundreds or thousands, say so. If you haven't made anything yet, say so. Then say, "With diligence, anything can grow into millions." Say how you've seen other guys in the business make millions through initial hard work. And do emphasize that. Say something like...

"You see, with network marketing, you just need to pour diligence into it initially for 6 months to a year--or 2 years--and the effort will be rewarded in big increments and residual income." Residual income is income that grows by itself periodically.

Spread the Word Around

Make it known around your sphere of influence that you are a network marketer. That may send people away or towards you, depending on the situation. But, don't worry. If you're honest, God will soon send people to you begging to be in your team. Moreover, it's important to let people know who and what you are so they can refer sales or recruits to you in the future. 

When so many people know who you are and what you do, that will make recruitment easy for you. And make sure you keep a good reputation as a networker. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Duplication Bible Fomula

The important thing in network marketing is duplication--to be able to duplicate yourself on your downlines. There should be a transfer of mind and heart from you to your immediate downlines (or directs), and then from them to their directs, and so on. This is the unbeatable network marketing formula.

Teach What I Teach You to Those Who are Qualified

St. Paul told his disciple Timothy [2 Tim.2.2], to duplicate himself on his disciples or downlines. And the feeding has got to come from Paul alone. Paul was taught by Jesus Christ, Paul taught Timothy, and Timothy taught qualified men who were able to teach others. Thus, network marketing (or true discipleship) is really teaching. It is founded on educating people. Real, professional, and career networkers ought to be skilled educators. 

Now, let's examine in detail the Paulinian duplication formula.

Qualified Men

Paul told Timothy to look for qualified or "trustworthy" men. Qualified men, in this sense, are not necessarily college graduates or titled or degreed people. In the bible, Peter, James, and John were chosen by Jesus but they never became college graduates or professionals. In fact, people saw that they were "unschooled" folks. Jesus himself, says John 7.15, was unschooled. 

Qualified men are those who are trustworthy. You can trust them to do the business righteously. Why the need for this? Because they will be using your name, being under your network umbrella. Whatever he or she does will affect you and your image and reputation as a networker (or a follower of Christ, in the ministry sense). 

If a person is a scammer, don't put that person in your network team anymore, even if he is a veteran and skilled networker able to bring you lots of sales--unless he has evidently repented. The number one qualification for clean network marketing or righteous network marketing is trustworthiness. Remember, God is the ultimate Rewarder--or Punisher. He is in the center of business--a business gets blessed or otherwise solely on His decisions or permissions. So better surround yourself with only the trustworthy.

Qualified men are also qualified for network marketing duplication (or discipleship). They should be willing to be under your mentorship. They should be willing to do the business with you and in your righteousness standards. Your downlines can strategize on their own, but everything has to be within righteous ways. Nothing should be illegal or unfair practice. 

In short, qualified men are of good character like you.

Able to Teach

You should be able to "teach" (present the product and business well, or present the faith, in ministry terms) so that your downlines would follow suit. You are what your downlines are. It is a must--downlines should be able to teach and not just rely on their uplines or the BOM for product and business presentation. If everybody in your team can teach like you, imagine how fast your business would be!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Networkers and Sales People are Educators

Networkers are first and foremost educators. So are sales people. That's their first call. They shouldn't be known only for huge income and material possessions. What makes a livelihood a respectable career is when it helps people become better informed about the present world we live in. Thus, networkers and sales people are educators, in a very real sense.

Can You Imagine Selling Bottled Water 50 Years Ago?

If you tried to sell bottled waters 50 years ago, you'd be the laughing stock of the day. Water was readily available from home faucets (as they are today), so why the need to buy them in bottles? But as time passed by and population grew and pollution worsened, potable water became less readily available. Sure, you had clean water at home, but what about the water in the office or school or restaurant or fastfood? How sure  were you that they served clean water? And the ice cubes they put in your drink? How sure were you that they were sourced from clean water?

So diarrhea cases went up. 

Still, it looked stupid to be selling water in bottles. So what did sales people do? They started an education campaign. They taught people the hazards of dirty drinking water and the dire need for clean water. They bombarded us with TV commercials and radio and print ads. Gradually, Filipinos got the point. It was practical and smart to buy bottled water when you were away from home instead of asking for a glass of water in restaurants. Later, it became fashionable to drink water in bottles because we saw showbiz guys doing it on TV and on print. We even see Lorna Tolentino on display boards urging us to try her purified water.

Today, buying bottled water is as ordinary as buying candy from a corner store. No one laughs about it or thinks only stupid people would sell or buy something like that. But it took years of hardship for Filipinos to finally see their need for the product. And sales people were the educators who opened their eyes to reality.

Health Supplements? Who Need Them?

Today, the gargantuan task is to educate Filipinos on health supplementation. The average Pinoy does not believe in it. He or she believes that eating healthy food is enough. Worse, others believe that simply eating daily is enough. 

The fact is, almost everything we eat today is poison! Even "fresh" vegetables and fruits. And Filipinos need to be aware of this. This is the new challenge that true health advocates face in this age. And networkers and sales people are educators. That's their first role. They should spearhead this campaign.


Most food you eat in fast foods and restaurants are practically poison. They're carcinogenic and high in white sugar and other harmful chemical ingredients. White sugar is food for cancer cells, in case you didn't know. Just look at the roasted or grilled burgers and chicken and pork (anything cooked directly on flames or burning coals is highly carcinogenic!) and ice cream and floats and fancy and foamy coffee (oh! they all look so yummy!) and the chemical preservatives put in them to make them last longer. People eat them all on a daily basis.

You know why diabetes and dialysis cases are up today? Some 50 years ago they were unheard of. It's due to the food people eat today, especially the gravy sauce they pour abundantly over their rice. And the way they substitute water with soft drinks and synthetic powder "fruit" juices. And those so-called "energy" drinks with lots of caffeine and white sugar. Yeah, they give energy for now, but they also slowly destroy your liver and kidneys. They can also cause cancer.

And probably you're proud of your high vegetables and fruits diet. And you say they're "fresh." Well, the fresher they are, the worse their poison is. Most vegetables and fruits today are highly exposed to chemical fertilizers and pesticides which stick stubbornly to them and don't get eliminated in washing or cooking. More so when eaten raw or "fresh." 

Did you know that a bowl of vegetables about 50 years ago was rich in nutrition, and that to get the same amount of nutrition we have to eat sackfuls of vegetables today? Well, do you eat a sackful each day? If not, don't boast about eating lots of vegetables or even being vegetarian. It's all useless. You're eating poison just the same.

And the water you drink today. Do you know it has chlorine which causes cancer? And if you boast of having a water that went through a complex and delicate process of eliminating everything to make it pure drinking water, you're in double jeopardy! That water will make your body acidic and cancer cells thrive well in acidic environment.

Pork, beef, and chicken meats are often super treated with anti-biotics which stay in the meat and do not get eliminated with cooking. You eat the meat you, you get the anti-biotics and that's added poison to your system. The feeds given the animals are often rich in synthetic ingredients. All this equals weaker immune system. And fish? They are applied with chemicals--mostly formalin--to avoid early spoilage.

But often, we have no choice but eat and drink these poisons. That's why we need to supplement. Supplementing is adding real and unspoiled nutrition into our diet so our bodies can fight back against poisons. Filipinos need to be taught that supplementing is no longer an option. It is a must! Every spoonful of food we eat takes away seconds or minutes from our life span. Money for buying supplements for daily intake should become part of our family budget.

We should educate people on supplementation and how this affects health, not just to profit more, but it's our moral obligation. It's just like how doctors have to tell patients what to do to be well and patients have to buy their prescription. Yes, they are licensed, we are not, but our health products are. And anyway, what we offer them are always subject to customers' will. 

Networkers and sales people are educators, so they should be well equipped with useful and updated knowledge. They are health consultants, first and foremost, before they are business people. Be a conscientious networker. Be a dedicated health educator. This is vital for a clean network marketing and a righteous network marketing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Three Ways to Convince People to Buy or Invest Online

They must see how the product is about them.

Convincing people to buy or join you do an online business is the greatest challenge in this work. Next is convincing them to be trained and do as you are doing. Convincing should be easy if you have the three most important things in business that work favorably in the minds of your prospects. So, here are the three effective ways to convince people.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash.

Solid company

People shy away or have serious second thoughts about buying or doing an online business fearing it's a hoax. Employment, or having a job, is easier to believe and have faith in. You don't have to shell out money to invest on anything and it's the company that even pays you when you join it. But actually, employment makes you invest your time, energy, office presence and skills--in fact your entire life. It dictates almost everything you can do or can have. In the end, the company gets rid of you due to old age or disability--when it can no longer use you. 

Your online business does not do that. Even if you die, the fruit of your hard work is transferred to your heirs. Just leave them your username and password to your business site. They can continue your business and reap from what you have sown, especially your residual and passive income.

Anyway, people need to see quality and reliability. To buy from you or join you, get a company that is known for stability and trustworthiness. Also, you need to personify that company stability. You need to show people how business relationships you make are stable because you are trustworthy. They can expect a lot more good business deals with you in the future. 

Solid Product

People are wary of investing on a product that they will later discover ineffective. They need to know how exactly the product works. If you convince them with real proofs (not just buyers' testimonies), then there's a big chance of convincing them. First and foremost, you should be the good result of the product. Are you a satisfied customer yourself? That's tangible proof. Is the satisfaction evident in you? If you're in the health business and you keep coughing and sneezing and looking sick...

Another important thing is product necessity. Is it a must for enjoyment of a quality life? If it's just an added luxury, or a cute decor or accessory to make life a bit more fancy, or a food or drink they can do without, it may not sell much. But if it is essential to a good quality of life, they probably will, especially if its for their kids' welfare. The product should be an essential, and then bombard customers with reasons that make the product a must for a better life.

Solid Business

The business should be easy enough to do and really lucrative. A business that has a lot of procedures and requirements and steps and formulas and cycles will just confuse people, especially the novices and first-timers, and discourage them more from joining. How the business plan would work for them should be easy to grasp, and they should see themselves able to hit the goal, to be there on top, in the near future.

In short, it should be doable.

So far, have you noticed something? We have been thinking about how our customers would react to our product or business. Because it's about them. If they see how everything is for their benefit, they'd go for it.

So there you have the three effective ways to convince people. If you have them, your problem is solved 90 percent. The remaining ten percent of the problem gets fixed when you see yourself successful and on top in the business--see it in your mind. It all starts and ends in the mind. Do you have the imagination for this? Can you see yourself earning big with your online business?

Do You Need to Have Made Big Money to Convince People?

It doesn't matter if you have not yet made enough money from it. There is a myth that you have to be making money big-time first before you can make customers buy from you or join you in the business. If you haven't made big money from it, capitalize on company and product quality instead. Second is to mention those you know who are making big money from it.

Do healthy doctors first have to experience cancer before they can prescribe anti-cancer meds to patients? Or, let's put it this way. Money can buy things. That's a fact. Even if a very poor pauper told me that, I'd believe it--though he may not have the experience. A lot of things can be easily seen happening even if there are no proofs yet. If a boy keeps running to and fro across a national highway, I can believe that he is likely to be run over, though it hasn't happened yet. Why? Because I can perceive what's probable. Potential can be seen. The invisible can be perceived.

Make people see the potential of your product or business plan. You yourself should believe absolutely that the product or business will work, sooner or later. Then those who hear it from you would also see it happening to them. This is called inspirational sales or enthusiasm transfer in sales. 

If you're not yet earning anything from your online business, it's not a problem. Everybody starts that way. Share your vision with prospects. Often, visions are more real than showing off your pay checks or commissions or cars to prospects. Our forefathers had visions for our Motherland centuries ago. Now, we're reaping the benefits. So who's greater--the vision of our forefathers or the benefits we reap today? Benefits come and go, but visions live forever, from generation to generation.

Just remember the three effective ways to convince people and apply this in your clean internet marketing, doing your online business.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Proper and Effective Recruitment

One of the challenges of network marketing is proper and effective recruitment. Okay, so you have the right company and product and the marketing plan is awesomely easy and lucrative. But how do you recruit people into your network team? A lot of people are "allergic" to networking in the Philippines, and probably elsewhere. At the first sign of it, they scram real fast! So how do we do proper and effective recruitment?

Don't Try to Put a Mask on Network Marketing

The temptation is to hide network marketing behind a facade of "job offer" or "employment" with high income or a "business" that sounds like a traditional one. Better to say outright that "This is a network marketing offer." That way, people who don't deserve your offer are immediately eliminated from the list instead of making you hope falsely. Imagine training these guys or giving them a full orientation and then they just disappear into thin air. What a waste of effort.

So be plain and transparent right at the start. Tell them it's network marketing. I know, this will shoo off most people, but you will find 2 or 3 eventually who will be curious and listen to your offer. Bank on them. They might turn out to be powerful business partners. It's easier in the long run to partner with guys who were recruited in an honest way.

Don't Rely on Veteran Networkers

Another temptation is to just take along old networkers you know who are veterans in the field to fill up the slots. Nothing really bad about this, except that if you just relied on them, they'd eventually try to outsmart you by pulling some bad tricks. Some of them are professional swindlers or double crossers or scammers or even hostage takers--if you know what I mean. Once they're in the position to manipulate you or ask "ransom," they'd do it. And you have no choice but to give in to their demands.

These rotten eggs proliferate in the industry and they still hold fast to their old school traditions. Clean Network Marketing aims to wipe them all out by raising up a new breed of righteous network marketers. A breed without greed. 

So, if I were you, I'd target new blood into my network team. I'd look for the right new persons still innocent of networking corruption and train them as best as I can in Godly, righteous network marketing. That's proper and effective recruitment.

Target Fresh College Graduates or Students

The wayward unpredictability of the economy is producing millions of unemployed fresh graduates or college dropouts each year. These are eager to earn big money. Most of them have seen worse things in life and are tired of having what their parents experienced repeated in their lives. Most of them vow to do a lot better and really enjoy some measure of prosperity. But they also realize that the chances of this actually happening is bleak and they are often misled to believe that employment would bring them fulfillment. 

So off they go each day, hunting for the right job to give them real money rewards, to no avail. Initially, landing on a job and getting their first salary is pure excitement. But after a few months, they realize that prices of commodities continue to rise while their salaries do not. Then they feel trapped and everything seems to lead to a dead end.

Look for such young people. Offer them hope through network marketing. They may not like it at first sight, but ask them to just listen for 20 minutes. And give those 20 minutes your best shot.

Youth is when people are idealistic, daring, and adventurous. Most of them would dare try clean network marketing if taught right and taught well by clean network marketers like you. Make them see clearly that this is their chance to make sense of their hard work. Employment will never reward hard work, except maybe in terms of a few pesos or a pat in the back which they cannot use to pay for bills.

Clean network marketing is their chance to start in business with a small capital and earn huge money that can fulfill their dreams. NO employment can do that, except probably if, per chance, they get promoted to general manager. And even the pay for a general manager often does not have the capacity to fulfill dreams.

Mean What You Say

There is no better way to convince people for recruitment to network marketing than the enthusiastic and honest way you say  it. Mean what you say. No, you don't have to hype and look like a stupid clown. People will be entertained but I doubt if they'd go all the way with you. You just have to put the business into heart and talk to prospects heartily. Talk smartly and intelligently about it, look professional and at the same time look yourself. That makes everyone at ease, especially you. 

And most of all, DON'T LOOK TOO EAGER TO RECRUIT THEM. Over killing a prospect with persuasion just because you need downlines is the most pitiful way you can destroy your image in network marketing. Besides, it looks ugly. Tell them the facts tactfully and then leave the decision to them. Fine if they join, fine if they don't. That attitude should be seen in you. It makes a deep impression on your clean network marketing career, and says a lot about you as a career sales person. 

And to really mean what you say professionally and gracefully, you have to master your craft. Master the product and business.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Network Marketing: It's Your Business

Tips on How to Run It as Thus

Every network marketer is aware of it but many of them don't realize it. When you're in network marketing, it's your business. You are NOT an employee of the company. The company has no obligation to do the business for you or provide you your start up capital. If you don't have the capital, go get a job instead and be employed. Earn money so you'd have the capital to start the business.

Some networkers I've seen are just plain parasites. They start the business by credit--getting slots by credit, getting products by credit, and business by credit goes on and on and on. And stupid companies let them. Although these networkers later earn lots of money to stop doing business by credit, they won't shell out a single cent to buy slots or products. Most of them have bad attitudes and characters.

These are plain unscrupulous and corrupt networkers who give the industry a bad name. You see their attitude--they worship money and loyal only to it. They understand only the dictates of money. In fact, many of them do not understand what their product is. They sell it to people who are willingly gullible to them--and you'd be surprised at the number of gullible networkers in the Philippines who seem to have thrown their reason out the window!

Anyway, the one thing you should understand thoroughly about network marketing is--it's your business. You alone are responsible for starting it and making it grow and succeed. If it fails, you have no one to blame but yourself. So here are tips on how to go about this business, and how to treat it as your business.

Network Marketing is like this:

1. Produce your own capital. Borrow money (not from the network marketing company), make a loan. make an advance, earn money little by little, or sell something. It's your responsibility to produce your own capital. Anyway, you should look for a low-end business with a high-end potential income. If you want great ideas on this and what networking business to do that is super affordable but gives huge earnings, email me at and title it "Clean Network Marketing." I'll tell you wonderful details.

2. Master the Product and Business. Don't rely on your upline. It's your business, not your upline's. A lot of crooked networkers in Metro Manila never master any product because they keep hopping from one company to the other. Real crooks. After they earn lots of money they transfer to another company that gives them better offers and they tag along their massive downlines who are silly enough to go with them.

Clean network marketing looks for a good company and product and stays there a long, long while--long enough to master the product and enable downlines to earn enough--at least up to your 50th level. If you want to start a new networking business you should at least continue to do the former business to support downlines there who chose to stay.

I've been into health supplements for years and developed a reputation as health and health products expert. That's because I mastered the products I have dealt with--Goji, Green Tea, Squalene, Glutathione, Plums, Probiotics, organic sanitary pads, and now purple corn juice. I even did an organic fertilizer networking business and mastered the product so well, even to the extent of looking like an agricultural technician. I do a lot of research (though I have never been a leader or 01) and study the products by heart--especially how they work.

Product mastery and mastery of your line of business makes for a professional sales career. People will respect you, not for your money or possessions (cars, house, etc.) but for your professionalism and attitude towards your business. Though I'm not a doctor or nutritionist, lots of people consult me about health in general. And some see me as if I were a doctor.

3. Train to be a Leader. Train yourself or attend leadership training seminars. You have got to know how to talk--talk to individuals and large groups--and how to talk effectively, stirring up people's imagination and inspiring them to stand up and start moving with renewed enthusiasm. A lot of people on earth walk aimlessly without inspiration and direction. They won't show it but it's a fact. It's there in them eating them like unseen gangrene. You as network marketer has the responsibility to wake them up and start hoping again--to the max!

Sales people and network marketers are educators, first and foremost. We are teachers first and sales people second. We educate people about what they need. This is not being conceited, but it's a fact that a lot of people out there don't know what's good for them. This is especially so where health supplements are concerned. A lot of people are easy prey to deadly diseases and they have nothing to protect themselves with simply because they were not taught about it. As professional and conscientious network marketers and sales people we have the responsibility to share our knowledge with people and save them from ailments.

4. Talk Well! So train, train, train. Train how to talk well and effectively. That's a BIG part of the network marketing business. And it's your business! You cannot say, "Oh, gee, I can't talk to people. I don't have the gift." 

There are gifted talkers, but you don't have to be gifted to talk. We were all born with a mouth. Well, if you're mute, that's another story. But the fact is, you're not. Use that mouth effectively and for right reasons--one of which is to share your product and business through clean network marketing. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to Give a Good BOM

How to give a good BOM--this is very important for sales people and network marketers. In fact, you cannot launch out into deeper waters unless you begin to address bigger audiences.

Bigger audiences create an image of growth and expansion. People always think there is safety in numbers. There are very few pioneers in this world, those who want to start something different. They see safety in a few. Anyway, once people see a big group, they think of stability. They think that because more people are doing it and profiting from it, it must be good. Sometimes, we can use this mentality to reach more people, not to deceive them but to share the benefits of our products and business.

Now, make sure you invite the right people. Don't invite just anyone to your BOM. Yes, share the business with all, but invite to your BOM only those with positive attitudes. This is especially so if your BOM includes snacks for your guests. It's not profitable to treat those who dislike your offer. It's nonsense. You are not doing a feeding program. You want to earn money. Okay?

But positive invites who turn out to be negatives later is unavoidable. But that's okay. At least, your selection process minimized incidents like this. It could've been worse if you had not selected your guests.

In BOMs, it's lots better if you do your own talk show. Yeah, it's a talk show, and make it turn out like that. You're there to entertain them, not just share the business. Don't murder them to boredom. They gave you their precious time, it's only fair that you make them happy.

So here are tips how to give a good BOM:

Be Happy. Be happy as you get up in the morning and through the day. That will perk up your spirit in preparation for the BOM. You're like a computer; program yourself to be happy. And that makes it easy to be positive.

Be Positive. Among the basic points of a BOM is to share a positive attitude towards the business. And it has to start with you. Don't do the talk like they owe it to listen to you, or it's using up your time. No, you're using up their time, so make it worthwhile.

Master the Presentation. If you have mastered the presentation by heart, no BOM should be a problem, whether in front of a small or big audience. By mastering the presentation, you can easily insert jokes or punchlines or play with voice intensity for stressing points. You can easily do the "act," as it were. Without mastery, you will sound like a robot, boring and monotonous, always peeking at your outline, which is a sure way to kill your audience to impatience and eventual lethargy and sleepiness. It's not how to give a good BOM, I tell you!

As much as possible, talk freely and comfortably while staying on course, without digressing too much. Too much digression likewise kills the interest of audiences.

Practice Talking. I often practice talking when alone in my room or in the bathroom. I talk in front of a mirror and see how I look while talking. Do I look confident? Do I look credible? Am I excited about the topic? Do it until you can easily do it. I imagine myself doing the best talk of all talks and I act accordingly. Practice makes perfect, so don't stop practicing even if you're already an ace speaker.

Pray. Prayer is power. Always ask God to be with you there during the talk and help you talk and help the audience buy. Nothing is impossible with him. And you can count on HIM to help you how to give a good BOM each time.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Effective Downline Recruitment

Next to selling, network marketing is all about referrals or recruitment. Some networkers refuse calling it recruitment, but that's what it is. To recruit is to enlist an individual to participate in a group effort aiming for a common goal. That's exactly what we need downlines for. Well, referrals is also a good term. But let's not hide anything. Referrals or recruits, doesn't matter. What we want is effective downline recruitment.

Be the Right Person

How do we find the right downline or the right person for this purpose? First step is, be the right guy yourself. You reproduce what you are in network marketing. It's called duplication. In a sense, good cells reproduce better cells. Bad cells reproduce worse cells. Law of nature. It's follow the leader. There will be exceptions, of course. If you find a bad downline under you, or if the good direct downline you trained turns out to be bad, it's not always your fault. Even Jesus found a Judas among his "downlines" though he never was at fault. See?

But at times, it's your fault. You didn't strive to be the right person, so that reproduced a bad egg. Most downlines become what you are. They imitate what they see in you. Again, law of nature. Very seldom do you see downlines turning out good despite their bad mentors. There are a few people in network marketing who are like that--conscientious, righteous, and hard working on their own. Rare breed. Be among that rare breed.

Less Hype

Another effective downline recruitment is the use of less hype. Too much hype tends to distort everything and cover up truth. That's not clean network marketing. That's not network marketing done righteously. Always present truth intellectually. That's it. If you need to put hype, make it 10 percent hype and 90 percent intellectual presentation. People need to know why they are joining you, so focus on the why. Don't lure them with sweet nothings and grotesque promises and pies in the skies because that would backfire on you and your business.

If I may say so, Jesus is the greatest networker. He knew how to set up a network of his duplicates. And he never hyped. Excess hypes are the style of mad cult leaders who want to deceive and move their unthinking followers to foolish deeds. Jesus always stimulated people's imagination and challenged them intellectually. It was Satan who hyped Adam and Eve into believing they can be like God by their own will and in man's ways.

Training and Mastery

When giving an orientation to your new recruits (which you should always do), emphasize on training and product and marketing plan mastery--especially product mastery. Half-hearted people will likely quit. A good downline sees the need to train and master his craft. This means he plans to build his career in network marketing in your team. With such emphasis, you do an effective downline recruitment. It may be slow but it often hits its mark, hitting the nail on the head. Quick recruitment may grow incredible numbers in no time, but they often produce incompetent, unscrupulous, and often rotten downlines. Making big money, yes, but corrupt networkers nonetheless. Do you like that in your team? 

If you want a lasting and fruitful networking business, make it clean network marketing. And that includes effective downline recruitment.

How to Look for Buying Prospects

You'd be tempted to sell to everybody when you want to earn big. In a way, it's a correct principle--don't be too selective about who to sell to. Don't judge a book by its cover. Everyone's a suspect, as it were. But don't waste time on non-buyers. Now, the question is, how to look for buying prospects?


You always begin with prospecting. You make a list of people you know, potential buyers or otherwise, and offer the product to each one of them. This is product dissemination. You don't expect to make a sale with any of them. Good if you make 2 or 3 sales, or more. Aside from product intro, you also want to test the waters, as it were. You want to know who's interested and who's not. It's how to look for buying prospects and confine your list (and efforts) to them. 

Your list needs to be categorized into three.
  • Buyers
  • Potential buyers
  • Non-buyers
Sell to buyers at once. Don't give them time to change their minds. After you have given them enough information to help them decide--and they want to buy--sell! 

Some people need more time. But they show signs of possibly buying. Keep them in your follow-up list. Call them up or drop by from time to time and make friends. Then casually mention the product and the possibility of them trying it.

Don't waste time with non-buyers. Continue befriending them (because they may one day turn up to be a potential buyer), sending them text messages periodically, but concentrate on buyers and potential buyers.

Then, continue to look for new contacts to present to. Sales is that easy, though it isn't that easy. You have to build a base of buyers and a secondary base of potential buyers. Soon, when the base is solid enough, and your sales account machinery is operational, it will be smooth sailing from then on, with minimum troubleshooting and updating.

A Closer Look at Buying Prospects

A buying prospect--how does he or she look like? Potential buyers have no particular looks. A seemingly uninterested guy may surprise you with a huge order; a guy who seems to be very interested may prove to be a dud. Difficult people may be hard to deal with but it's been proven that a good number of them are difficult and meticulous because they're going to buy. They hate wasting money buying poor quality.

The lesson here is--don't rely on looks. Present your product well. You spot buying prospects by how well you present yourself and your product. Fail at this and you miss potential buyers who want and need the product but rejected you because they didn't get a thing you said.

And anyway, a good and clear presentation is part of clean network marketing--network marketing done righteously. No double or misleading talk.

Most people are a crowd of masked and disguised individuals opting to be unlabled or inconspicuous because it's part of their defense mechanism. You can only unmask them when you have attracted their interest and curiosity. They're going to give themselves away and that helps you pinpoint who'd buy and who just want to fuss with you. It's the most effective way how to look for buying prospects.

Product and Prospect Match

It will help a lot to know the potentials and benefits of your product to pinpoint buying prospects. If you carry a health and healing drink, then try people who need your product health benefits. If your networking business carries a luxury product then try people who dream of having that luxury, or the rich who want more of it.

It may prove a waste of time to offer a dairy product to people who are lactose intolerant. Or offer an exercise equipment for doing strenuous workouts to an asthmatic. Have the common sense to match products with the kind of prospect you have. Here's a tip: most parents will do anything to buy what their kids like or need. So, if you carry a health drink good for kids or accessories or food of the same nature, your buying prospects are likely to be parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, and older siblings.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Being Nice: Your Most Powerful Investment

You need to invest in network marketing--time, money, effort, and personality. Networking is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a thing for the lazy or idle. This involves great tasks, hard work, and professionalism. But really, it's the simplest business there is, and yet the most rewarding and challenging. You can always be proud to be a professional network marketer. And your most powerful investment is--being nice.

Do you believe that?

Some networkers are nice only when facing potential prospects and clients. That's garbage. Instead, make it a lifestyle to be nice. And by nice, I mean friendly, polite, and honest or trustworthy. Are you worthy of trust, or do you easily wane in character at the prospect of huge profits? I've seen many networkers like that. And they earn a lot. But they never last. And they build a bad image in the industry sooner or later.

Being nice is a big edge in anything, especially when going for the Kingdom of God. God wants godly and nice people. And this is what most clients also want in sales. People want to deal long term with honest and trustworthy people who are also polite and friendly. So your biggest asset and investment is being nice.

Why is Being Nice an Investment?

Why an investment? Being nice is an investment. You shell out something valuable to you and you take risks. It may or may not return profitably. It takes practice and sacrifice to be nice to people. It may not work out the first time, but you have to keep investing. You have to keep drawing out from your personal savings of patience, broad mindedness, openness, and tact. And that's costly, more so than money.

Worse is that, in sales you often cannot choose the people who you deal with. Most wealth owners are moody and bossy, often throwing their weights around. You have to learn how to be nice to them. And there are tactics on how to do this, which will be discussed in another article. Suffice it to say now that you have to learn how to influence people, even difficult people. Learn to see where their weakness is.Then focus your being nice to that weakness.

Now, being nice is not being stupid or timid (fearful). You also have to be wise and smart, confidently facing every challenge--and especially anyone. More importantly, it also doesn't mean compromising righteous network marketing in favor of pleasing your customers. Right is right, wrong is wrong--but you still have to be nice. Clean network marketing or network marketing done righteously, and yet appealingly. 

You see now why it's your most powerful investment?

Other Facets of 'Nice'

It's also important to appear presentable and talk clearly. Be accurate in appearance and speech. Remember, you are the product, really. The customer will buy if he or she sees you are worth buying. And accurate in appearance doesn't mean wearing expensive apparels. It means carrying yourself well--you look neat, you smell good, you smile well, you wear decent clothes, and politeness and professionalism stand out in your aura. 

Accurate in speech means you talk clearly and you make your selling points easily understandable. Don't eat your words when talking. Open your mouth enough to enunciate words properly. And always get to the point. Don't waste your client's time. Answer his questions directly; do not beat around the bush or digress. Stay on the topic.

Listen Well

Another part of being nice is being a good listener. Good sales presentation is you talking 20 percent of the time and your prospects talking 80 percent of the time. People love good listeners. People always have stories to tell about themselves. Listen. Enjoy. Make time. But also remember to always bring back the topic to your product. You may be partly counselor to your client, but you are not in the counseling business. You are in sales. Sell!


Remember that in network marketing, you don't want to just sell--you want to build a strong team. That's the main idea. Selling is just a bridge to help your prospect cross over and be your team mate. Thus, show him what it means to be in your team. In a sense, you serve as a mirror for your prospects--they see what they will become if they join your team. 

So be nice. And that includes your honesty, politeness, professionalism and person. Show them you are a conscientious career person. And that's what they will want to be. 

Don't lure them into your team using your money and profits alone. Doing so is a sure way of building a team of greedy, corrupt network marketers. Give them an idea of how much you make, proving that network marketing is lucrative, but focus on character building. That makes for a strong and lasting networking team. And it all starts with being nice--your most powerful investment in this field.

Closing the Sale During the Opening

Closing the sale during the opening of the same. Sounds too good but it's quite possible (in fact, easily possible). You simply give your prospect certain assurances. Like an incredible discount, or money-back guarantee or freebie or trade-in, like bartering products. It must look like a win-win thing for the customer, 100 percent--like the advantages are all his. But it's really beneficial both ways.

Ever been to a crazy "sale" in a mall? Like a 3-day "50% discount on all items" kind of thing? In all transactions, the sale is closed right at the beginning, right there at the opening. In fact, no sales pitch is required. People just madly scramble for it. You don't need to do any convincing talk. People practically buy as soon as they enter your store. The same with what happens in Divisoria during Christmas.

You know why?

Your Product Should be Like a Vaccine

Because customers are beguiled by the idea of a win-win situation all in their favor. It's all about them. You have to create an atmosphere like that, one that makes buying a heaven for buyers. Then you won't need to sell, although you're selling. They'd even beg you to sell to them by hook or by crook. 

It's something like the Covid vaccines. People wake up early in the morning to get in line first and wait almost the whole day--even beg--just to get jabbed. Why? They see a win-win situation for them.

If you want a closing sale during the opening, you've got to make your product look like an anti-Covid vaccine for your customers--and have it easily accessed. Here are some tips how:
  1. Make it easy for them to buy. In blogging language, make sure your site is very user-friendly. Some online networking companies put a lot of hassles for customers with their ATM or debit or credit card procedures. That's insane. The last thing you want customers to be is be pissed off with your buying system.
  2. Tolerate whatever buying method your customers have easily in hand. Let them conveniently pay in cash, credit or debit cards, Gcash, or COD. The seller cannot dictate the paying option for the customer, especially if the option feels like getting crucified.
  3. As much as possible, make sure you have all sizes and colors and brands available. The thing most customers hate hearing is, "Sorry, we don't have that."
  4. I don't care what your product is. But make sure it's packaged nicely and can be conveniently carried by the customer. I've seen stores that do not provide free bags for the products sold. Duh? And most customers want shopping bags with firm handles. Your business should invest on this, and you'd see a lot of repeat sales, just because of your good packaging and shopping bags. Oh yes.
I've seen a lot of good products just rotting in the shelves because no one buys them due to poor packaging, and a lot of excellent sales pitches or presentations fall in deaf ears because they do not offer a win-win situation 100 percent in favor of the customer. Meaning, the buyer wins with the product he buys and the deals he gets out of it.

But You're Still in Sales Even If You Hardly Do Any Selling

By the way, before continuing, many networkers are not aware that they are in the sales business. They think networking is about recruitment or referrals and no one needs to sell anything. On the contrary, networking is really selling, no matter how they claim that it involves no selling. And even if your products are selling themselves like hotcakes with the least effort from you, you're still in the selling business. You still need to sell.

Networking needs a product to market to be legit. And it should be government licensed. Without any product, any networking is illegal. What do you do with the product? You use some, you sell some. Selling is inevitable in any network marketing, no matter how some networkers deny it. You have to share the product, and the practical way is to sell it. You propagate the product and benefit from it, too.

You can also give some away for free. This is done for promotion. Free samples. You give them away massive product awareness and recall and also test the waters of a certain market. All these are sales and marketing activities even if you're just doling out products for free. In a sense, it's still  part of your selling strategy.

So you see now how network marketing is basically sales work.

Closing is in the Opening

Finally, to close a sale, you need to do a good sales opening. Success in closing is hinged on your opening. The end depends on the start. This is why they say first impression lasts. How you start the presentation determines how your client buys. And this is not just about systematic presentation and skillful delivery. It's about YOU, first and foremost. I mean your person. Network marketing and sales is really how you sell yourself to the customer. That's how you open a sale. 

You see, YOU are the product! The physical, legal product you're selling is just a tool to make your business legitimate. But the product you hold in your hands is not the real product. YOU are the product. The moment you step into the room of your client or meet with them, you are selling yourself. The customer sets his or her eyes first of all on you, not the product.

Moreover, the moment you start the presentation, you're also "closing the sale," as it were. If the client is impressed by your person and your manners and character, not just your opening remarks, the client is ready to buy. You are closing the sale during the opening and even before you have said anything.

Always remember the significance of first impressions. They're proven to last. And not only that, they determine the closing or loss of a sale.

Friday, August 24, 2012

What You Don't Know about Internet Marketing

Some folks don't know the great blessings on the Net.

Thank God for internet marketing. Why? Here is a way small people like you and me can have a real business for a minimum amount of capital. We can even pool our resources together to be more competitive in a world where big-time moneyed people play business like a mere game. With an online marketing business, we can start deciding our own destinies, not anymore just playing pawns to the rich.

Photo above by Campaign Creators on Unsplash.

As it is, we're just pawns for big players, being used all our lives to make others rich, and not benefiting as we ought to from that. If we do get something from it, it's just a tiny, minuscule percentage of what we should get if our efforts are fully rewarded. I don't care what high position you have in your company. If you're not the business owner, you're just a pawn. And no matter how big your pay is, you're not getting what you're really worth, and what you're really worth is more than just money.

You're worth your freedom!

Sadly, even some "business people" fall victim to this. I just heard somewhere on Facebook how a couple who is trying out a business "cannot enjoy vacation anymore or even have free time" because they're tied to their business 24/7. The beauty with an internet marketing business is you're able to take it with you on vacation or tours. 

And that leads later to freedom to pursue what's really in your heart--discovering and harnessing your God-given potentials. The pursuit of your happiness, not the happiness of your boss, or adjusting your happiness so that it coincides with your boss'. Tying your life to your boss' is no way to live, but most people, thinking they have no choice, have been conditioning themselves for years to live contently like that, merely making their lives coincide with (or be an extension of) their boss' wishes or company goals.

They even go to work on Saturdays and Sundays.

All that can stop if we can grow our money more than enough to make living our own lives possible. And what better way to do this than through internet marketing--or doing an online business? It's hard (even next to impossible) to be financially free with small traditional businesses which are likely being swallowed up by big businesses. Some manage to make it, but they are only a few. That's not what we need. Let's not be jubilant with that. We need more small people being freed from hand-to-mouth existence and making it big (or a bit more comfortably) with business.

And only the great potentials of internet marketing is possible for this. Among other things, an internet or digital business is cheaper to start. Your 10 to 15K pesos can go a long, long way. Some people I know started with 500 pesos and are making good money now. It's actually God's provision for us small people as a way out of slavery. God wants to set a lot of us free so he devised this type of marketing in our time--because he's hatching up a grand plan, especially for his work. In summary, one day soon, the church will stop begging for money through solicitations, and pastors will stop pleasing people and compromising just to get some favors from rich church members. 


Admittedly, even online marketing is being scammed by unscrupulous people. Fact is, scams are everywhere, not just on the internet. They're even in government and some "legit" businesses. But lately, internet businesses and marketing have been taking a wild beating. Many people corrupted it, just like how the bible is designed to set us free from human religion, but certain men used it (or corrupted it) to take people back to man's religions. But that does not make the bible bad, does it? We just have to go back to the original uncorrupted designs of the bible and start and progress from there. Soon, we reap the great potentials of what God has in store for us.

The same with internet marketing.

Many have scammed it, especially here in the Philippines, but that does not change its useful worth. If we shake off the corruption and use it as originally designed, it can transform lives and put many in a better financial situation--like the Christian church. As I just said, I believe God provided online marketing in these last days to benefit the church, use wealth to advance the Gospel of the Kingdom.

But the problem is, church would rather continue begging than tapping internet marketing for its finances.

Anyway, there is a need to re-educate marketers, business people and even network marketers about the great potentials of the internet for business. And this is the call of righteous online marketers: practice and promote clean internet marketing through righteous and godly ways.

Just Imagine this:

Imagine if we could turn the poor and marginalized--the millions of jobless out there--into successful small online business folks, helping each other out, together building an affordable, growing business they all can benefit from. It's a kind of cooperative raised several levels up. Better if a genuine, greedless Christian church can spearhead it. 

Then there would be less employees with miserable jobs and low pays, less poor, less hungry, and less miseries in this world. The Book of Acts church can be revived, where they all shared their possessions, worked for a living daily together, and where NO ONE was in need, says the bible. Imagine that? 

Not one of them was in need!!!!